
Hyten Poised For Confirmation Despite Sexual Assault Claims

His accuser, who took a front-row seat at his confirmation hearing, says the Air Force four-star is lying to Congress.


Gen. Hyten to Get His Senate Confirmation Hearing

His previously uncontroversial nomination to be vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs was thrown into question after a former subordinate accused him of sexual assault.


Esper Confirmed As Defense Secretary, Despite Opposition from Some 2020 Dems

The 90-8 vote ends the longest period in history that the Defense Department has gone without a confirmed leader at the helm.


Did the U.S. Invent Lyme Disease in the 1960s? The House Aims to Find Out

A decades-old conspiracy theory says Cold War bioweapons research is sickening tens of thousands of Americans a year.


Dunford: U.S. Will Provide Intel, Not Escorts, In Strait Of Hormuz

The Trump administration wants to put together an international coalition to prevent tanker attacks from Iran.


Sexual Assault Allegation Surfaces About Nominee for Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman

Cleared by Air Force investigators, Gen. Hyten may yet face questions during his Senate confirmation process.


Pentagon Official: We Didn’t Link Iran to al-Qaeda In Hill Briefings

“In these briefings, none of the officials mentioned al-Qa'ida or the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force,” DASD Mick Mulroy said.


Shanahan Out; Army Secretary Esper to Be Acting Secretary of Defense

Trump tweets the news after reports that the FBI was looking into a violent domestic dispute from nine years ago.


U.S. Blames Tanker Attacks On Iran; CENTCOM Releases Surveillance Video

Military officials say imagery shows Iranians in boats at the tankers, handling a mine and trying to capture crew members.


U.S. to Send 1,000 More Troops to Poland

Last fall, Warsaw asked for a tank division; White House officials are hinting at a “significant” increase.


‘Space Force’ Shrinks in House Proposal

A bipartisan amendment would trim several generals from the new space-focused component.


House Democrats Want To Ban Sending New Prisoners To Gitmo

President Trump has vowed to keep the facility open, promising on the campaign trail to fill it up with “bad dudes.”


Shanahan ‘Not Planning’ USS McCain Investigation, But Still Reviewing Facts

“There’s no restriction on how people can send email,” the acting defense secretary said.


Still 'Acting' Shanahan Faces Test With China Face-off and USS McCain Scandal

Raising the stakes for the would-be SecDef, the White House has not yet sent formal nomination paperwork to the Senate.


U.S. To Send 900 Troops To Middle East To Counter Iran

The Trump administration insists that the deployment is purely defensive.


Senate Panel Votes to Let Gitmo Prisoners Into U.S. for Medical Treatment

With an aging population, Democrats in the House, and Navy officers asking for guidance, there’s a chance it finally passes.


U.S. Probes Suspected Chlorine Attack

Military action against Syria over the use of chlorine would represent a de facto shift in policy.


Trump Taps Shanahan To Lead Defense, Ending Months of Speculation

The nomination marks the beginning of the end of the tenure of the longest-serving acting defense secretary.