
Lawmakers Probe Navy, Marine Corps Plans on Climate Change

Trump’s picks for Chief of Naval Operations and Marine Corps Commandant sailed through their confirmation hearing on Tuesday.


Guantanamo Is Becoming a Nursing Home for Its Aging Terror Suspects

The Pentagon is required to give Gitmo detainees the same medical care as U.S. troops. How's that going to work?


It’s Getting Harder to Track U.S. Progress in Afghanistan

Almost every metric “is now classified or nonexistent,” says the special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction.


Trump Gives 2020 Democrats a National-Security ‘Opportunity,’ Says Rep. Moulton

Weighing his own bid, the Iraq vet wants presidential candidates to challenge Trump on global leadership, troops, and veterans.


What Will Climate Change Mean for Security in Africa?

The Pentagon faces different challenges in a continent where it has only one permanent base — but lots of troops.


Patrick Shanahan Says ‘Of Course’ He Wants to Be Defense Secretary

Under increasing scrutiny, the acting secretary — and his allies — make the case for President Trump to nominate him.


Acting SecDef: ‘We Won’t Do Cost-Plus-50’

In his first testimony to Congress as acting Pentagon chief, Shanahan called “erroneous” the reports of the proposal to make allies pay more.


Lawmakers Question Pentagon’s Use of ‘Slush Fund’ to Skirt Budget Caps

Almost one-quarter of the 2020 defense budget is in OCO. That's sure to come up when Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan testifies on Thursday.


ISIS Is ‘Waiting for the Right Time to Resurge’: CENTCOM Commander

Gen. Joseph Votel offered lawmakers warnings on Syria — and an upbeat message on Afghanistan.


How Many Civilians Die in Covert U.S. Drone Strikes? It Just Got Harder to Say

Trump has revoked an Obama-era reporting requirement even as the CIA has resumed lethal strikes.


We’ll Soon Learn Whether You Can Post 3D-Gun Plans Online

A proposed export-rules change has snagged over the question: is publishing such designs a boon to U.S. business or foreign terrorists?


Pentagon Wins a Reprieve with Trump Approval of ‘Residual’ Forces in Syria

General Dunford is “confident” U.S. allies will now agree to stay, but for how long remains undetermined.


AFRICOM Adds Logistics Hub in West Africa, Hinting at an Enduring US Presence

From Ghana’s capital, a new supply network will ferry supplies and arms to special forces troops across the region.


Trump Declares National Emergency, Calling Government Border Drug Stats ‘Lies’

In a dark, rambling speech, the president repeated long-debunked arguments — and provided ammunition for likely court challenges.


AFRICOM Commander: Elite Troop Cuts Won’t Help China, Eyes Shift To Conventional Forces

“It’s really a misleading narrative to say that optimization is causing us to walk away from Africa,” Gen. Waldhauser said in an interview.


Trump: U.S. Will Be Working with Mideast Partners ‘For Many Years to Come’

The president acknowledged that the Islamic State continues to pose a threat even though U.S.-led coalition forces have retaken 99 percent of its territory.


Trump Announces Second North Korea Summit in State of the Union

The president stuck to the teleprompter in his 82-minute SOTU speech, the second-longest in history.


Senior Officials Downplay Trump Plan to Keep Troops In Iraq to ‘Watch Iran’

Some Baghdad watchers say the president’s remarks could imperil the U.S. troop presence in Iraq.


Top General in Middle East Says He Wasn’t Consulted on Syria Withdrawal

U.S. Central Command commander Gen. Joseph Votel provided the first public confirmation that the Pentagon was caught by surprise by Trump’s December tweet.


Trump Administration Downplays Fears of Post-Treaty Arms Race

"Nothing the U.S. is currently looking at is nuclear in character,” a senior administration official says, after announcing INF withdrawal.