
Trump Renews Attacks on U.S. Intelligence Community for Contradicting Him

“They are wrong!” he wrote in Wednesday morning tweets. “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”


Acting SecDef: I Haven’t Told the Pentagon to Prep for Afghanistan Withdrawal

In his first remarks to media as defense chief, Pat Shanahan says U.S. leaders are keeping their eyes on peace talks.


Is Trump Setting the Stage for a Military Intervention in Venezuela?

“Everything is on the table, all options,” an administration official said.


Confusion Reigns as Pentagon Begins Pulling Equipment Out of Syria

The timeline for withdrawal remains murky amid rocky negotiations with Turkey over the Kurds.


Trump Kicks Mattis Out Early, Names Shanahan Acting Defense Secretary

The abrupt decision comes amid a growing crescendo of criticism of the president’s snap decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria.


Mattis Resigns Over Disagreements with Trump

In two-page resignation letter, Defense secretary cites need to treat allies with respect, potential adversaries with resolve.


Trump’s Abrupt Syria Reversal Confounds His Own Administration, GOP Allies

Hours later, White House officials had more questions than answers about the withdrawal.


New Armed Services Chair Says He Will Fund Military, Not Drive Foreign Policy ‘Like McCain Did’

'My job is to make sure we have the resources...I try not to get into debates,’ Inhofe says in an exclusive interview.


Trump’s New Africa Plan: Fewer U.S. Troops and Aid, More Investment and Deals

U.S. Army Africa troops train with regional allies during the United Accord 2018 exercise in Accra, Ghana, July 16, 2018.


Lawmakers Probe Role of Special Operations in Great Power Competition

The two four-stars up to lead CENTCOM and SOCOM faced questions about how their commands will change under the National Defense Strategy.


Trump to Stick with Saudi Arabia in Spite of Khashoggi Killing

The president reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Riyadh — and said the crown prince may have known of plans to murder the U.S.-based journalist.


What the Midterms Mean for National Security

House Democrats are poised to boost oversight of the Pentagon — and its commander-in-chief.


Trump Sparks Outrage with Claims That Rocks Should Be Treated As Firearms

But there is precedent for firing on rock-throwers on the border. CBP agents have done so on numerous occasions.


The U.S. Military Held an American as an Enemy Combatant for Over a Year. Here’s What That Means.

The case could have upended the entire war on ISIS. Instead, it’s changing how we treat some detainees.


Curtailing Korean Exercises Comes at a Price, Says USMC Commandant

Gen. Neller says training on the Korean peninsula is an integral — if not quite irreplaceable — part of Marine readiness.


A Solitary and Defiant Message to the UN In Trump’s Second Speech

“We reject the ideology of globalism. And we embrace the doctrine of patriotism,” Trump told world leaders.


Army to Up-Armor Two More Brigades

An infantry unit will get Strykers, and a Stryker brigade will shift to tanks, part of the Pentagon's focus on great-power competition.


Trump's Order to Reveal Docs Could Undermine Secret Court System

"No one should be happy about the weaponization of declassification," security expert says.


Trump’s Afghanistan War Plan Is Working Despite Recent Attacks, Outgoing Commander Says

Facing renewed criticism, Gen. John Nicholson said the president’s year-old South Asia strategy was bringing Afghanistan closer to peace.