Pay & Benefits

Federal Government Sheds 12,000 Jobs in October

The shutdown did not contribute to the drop in federal employment, according to the Labor Department.

Pay & Benefits

Groups Fear Federal Pensions Are At Risk in Budget Talks

There’s reason to worry: Republicans and the Obama administration agree federal employees should pay more for their retirement benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Employees Sue Government Over Shutdown

Collective action suit demands damages for excepted workers because they weren’t paid on time.

Pay & Benefits

FEHBP As a Model of Health

The program helped shape the Affordable Care Act. Now the question is whether the Obamacare debate might change FEHBP.

Pay & Benefits

Timeline: When to Expect a Possible Pay Raise, and Other Key Fiscal Deadlines

The government is funded through Jan. 15 and a pay increase for feds is likely, but a new round of budget cuts looms in 2014.


Obama Meets with Top Public Servants

President greets 2013 Service to America honorees at White House nearly a week after the government reopens.


Bill Would Keep National Parks Open During Government Shutdowns

Legislation would allow states to foot the bill temporarily if Uncle Sam closes again.

Pay & Benefits

Back Pay Is On the Way

Federal employees this week will recover the pay they missed during the government shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

Furloughed Feds Will Get Credit for Lost Leave

Back pay deal for employees also includes pay for Columbus Day holiday, which occurred during the government shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

Government Will Publish 2014 COLAs on Oct. 30

Next year’s cost-of-living adjustment for retirees is likely to be around 1.5 percent.

Pay & Benefits

Uncle Sam: Feds Will Get Back Pay in Next Paycheck

Most government employees who missed pay during shutdown will be made whole by Oct. 25.

Pay & Benefits

Debt Deal Grants Back Pay for Furloughed Feds

Measure to fund agencies and extend the debt limit would ensure employees are compensated for their forced time off.

Pay & Benefits

2014 COLA Announcement Delayed

Federal retirees are on track to receive a 1.5 percent bump, but won’t know for sure until government reopens.

Pay & Benefits

Oct. 11 Paycheck Could be the Last Until Government Reopens

Most federal employees will receive only 60 percent of their usual pay in that check.

Pay & Benefits

Fed Groups Blast Proposed Switch to Less Generous COLA Formula

Retiree advocates worry Congress and White House will reduce benefits in a deal to raise debt limit.

Pay & Benefits

Back Pay Bill in Senate Limbo

Federal employees probably will get retroactive pay for shutdown, but not as soon as they’d like.