Pay & Benefits

House Unanimously Approves Back Pay For Furloughed Feds

Senate is expected to pass bill, and President Obama said he will sign it into law.

Pay & Benefits

Bill Would Put Furloughed Defense Employees Back to Work

House measure would ensure all Defense civilians would continue to work and be paid during government shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

Furloughed Feds Will Get Paid for Oct. 1 -- Eventually

Employees on unpaid leave during shutdown also should not rule out retroactive pay.

Pay & Benefits

Republicans Slam Pentagon Over Furloughs of Defense Civilians

House Armed Services chairman says Pentagon has 'broad latitude' within new law to determine who stays on the job during shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

In Focus: Who Faces Furloughs?

About 900,000 feds, almost half the civilian workforce, must take unpaid leave during the shutdown.


Sequester, U.S.A.

Washington’s budget cuts have been felt in federal communities far and wide. And the pain could be just beginning.

Pay & Benefits

Many Federal Employees Are Facing Second Set of Furloughs in Six-Month Span

A potential government shutdown will hit many of the same workers as sequestration with unpaid leave.


Senior Executive Advocate Dies After Long Illness

Bill Bransford, SEA general counsel, was 'a true friend to federal employees,' says law partner.

Pay & Benefits

In Focus: How Many Employees Face Furloughs?

The number of workers on unpaid leave during a government shutdown varies widely by agency.

Pay & Benefits

Employees Will Find Out Their Shutdown Furlough Fate By the End of Friday

Agencies also are expected to post their contingency plans for a government shutdown before the weekend.

Pay & Benefits

Federal Pensions Could Be At Risk -- Again

House lawmakers might require federal employees to contribute more to their retirement benefits to help pay for a debt limit increase.


Treasury: Debt Limit D-Day is Oct. 17

Federal civilian and military pay will be at risk -- again -- if the government can’t cover all its bills.

Pay & Benefits

Shutdown Furloughs Would Affect Hundreds of Thousands of Federal Workers

Still, much of the government would remain open if there’s a lapse in appropriations next week.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Is Having a ‘Booming’ September

The retirement plan’s funds so far are strong and hardship withdrawals from accounts are down, board reports.


House Approves Measure to Keep Government Open Past Sept. 30

Bill would also defund health care reform law; Senate vows to strip out Obamacare language, edging government closer to a shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

Federal Retirement Plan Revises Rules to Include Same-Sex Marriages

TSP board will determine an enrollee’s marital status based on where the marriage occurred for benefits purposes.