
White House Issues Veto Threat on Stopgap Funding Bill

House is poised to pass a temporary spending bill on Friday that also defunds Obamacare.

Pay & Benefits

Military Community Feels the Effects of Furloughs, Too

The sequester might be old news for the public at the moment, but it’s anything but to civilian and military government employees.


Votes on Keeping Government Open Could Come Down to the Wire

House will consider late this week a temporary spending measure that would also defund Obamacare.

Pay & Benefits

Back Pay for Federal Employees No Guarantee If Government Shuts Down

It would be the first time Congress denied federal workers retroactive pay because of a lapse in appropriations.


Timeline: When to Expect a Possible Shutdown, and Other Key Fiscal Deadlines

Congress faces battles over appropriations, the debt ceiling and round two of the sequester.

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Current Service Members and Retirees Won't Lose Any Retired Pay Under Reform

President reminds military compensation and retirement modernization panel about grandfather clause.

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Federal Employees Have Lost All Furlough Appeals So Far

MSPB has decided 40 cases, and has sided with management in every one of them.


House Delays Vote on Measure to Prevent Government Shutdown

The chamber pushes back consideration of stopgap spending measure to next week.


House Stopgap Spending Measure Would Help Agencies Dodge Furloughs

Continuing resolution keeps the government running until Dec. 15 -- and the sequester in place.


Republicans Want Lawmakers, Staff to Foot Obamacare Bill

Legislation would prohibit government from subsidizing cost of congressional health insurance plans on exchanges.


Man Who Trained Feds on How to Beat Polygraph Tests Heads to Prison

Two federal contractors with Top Secret Security clearances were among Chad Dixon’s customers.

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Congressional Staff Leave Their Jobs Because of Low Pay

New report shows legislative employees, like their agency colleagues, love their work, but want better managers.


Federal Workforce Levels Off After Gradual Decline

Uncle Sam did not add or lose jobs between July and August, according to the latest government statistics.

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Double Furlough Trouble for Feds

A guide to how government shutdown and sequester furloughs are different.


America’s Other 1 Percent

It's time for vets and civilians to really get to know each other.

Pay & Benefits

Money for Furloughed Feds Is Running Out

Nonprofit says it probably will have to stop handing out emergency loans next week to feds on unpaid leave.