Pay & Benefits

TSP Reconsiders Automatic Enrollment

Board thinks younger feds are contributing too much to the plan’s safest offering.


Politics Punctuate House Sequestration Hearing

Rhetoric rather than government management dominates discussion over furloughs, spending cuts.


House Democratic Budget Proposal Replaces Sequester

Van Hollen: Sequester is likely with us for now, but we’ll keep trying to get rid of it.

Pay & Benefits

Bill Would Slash Congressional Pay by 8.2 Percent

Bipartisan sponsors say sequestration exemption for lawmaker salaries is hypocritical.


Legislation Would Scrap Annual Budget Process

Lawmakers seek to move Congress to a two-year cycle to give agencies more fiscal certainty.

Pay & Benefits

No Furloughs Planned at OPM

Agency will rely on hiring freeze, administrative cuts to comply with sequester.

Pay & Benefits

Senate Bill Upholds Pay Freeze

Both chambers extend federal salary freeze through 2013 in legislation to avoid government shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

Fate of Pay Freeze Uncertain

Senate will unveil its legislation on Monday to keep the government open past March 27.

Pay & Benefits

Republican Bill Aims to Stop Sequestration Furloughs

Legislation would require OMB to detail how agencies can transfer funds to stave off furloughs during sequester.


Federal Agencies Open Thursday After Storm Passes

Washington-area government offices were closed on Wednesday because of inclement weather.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement Applications Spike in February

Number of new claims last month is up 218 percent compared to February 2012.

Pay & Benefits

Senators Want to Cut Congressional Pay

Democrats introduce bill to slash lawmakers’ pay during the sequester once furloughs begin.

Pay & Benefits

Modest Gains for TSP in February

After strong January, momentum slows for investment offerings last month, and international stocks take a dip.


Specter of Government Shutdown Looms as Sequester Arrives

Leaders offer no new details on spending cuts, but say they will work to keep government open past March 27.

Pay & Benefits

IRS Anticipates Furloughs

Employees face up to 7 days’ of unpaid leave this year under sequester.