Pay & Benefits

Senate Puts Fed Pay Freeze Proposal on Ice

Chamber won’t vote Thursday on measure to replace sequester by targeting fed pay and benefits.

Pay & Benefits

How Furloughs Will Affect Pay and Benefits

Feds should bone up on rules governing everything from unemployment insurance to health care premiums.

Pay & Benefits

GOP Sequester Alternative Targets Federal Pay, Benefits

Senate bill would push back sequestration for one year in part by extending the pay freeze, increasing feds’ retirement contributions.

Pay & Benefits

OSHA Will Not Furlough Employees

Labor agency is freezing hiring and bonuses to comply with impending budget cuts.

Pay & Benefits

Next up for Agencies: Bargaining Over Furloughs

Most feds expect they will have trouble making ends meet if furloughed due to sequester, union says.

Pay & Benefits

Treasury Refills Federal Pension Coffers

Uncle Sam makes the G Fund whole again after debt ceiling is suspended through May 18.

Pay & Benefits

MSPB Braces for Possible Flood of Furlough Appeals

The tiny agency that handles personnel complaints from federal employees could be inundated in a sequester.

Pay & Benefits

Defense Policy Chief Outlines Furlough Preparation

Official tells staff to plan for personnel gaps to ensure work doesn’t fall through the cracks during sequester.

Pay & Benefits

What Will Happen to Your TSP If You Are Furloughed?

Feds should start thinking about how a smaller paycheck could affect their retirement benefits.

Pay & Benefits

House Votes to Extend Federal Pay Freeze

Bill prolongs current across-the-board salary freeze for feds and lawmakers through 2013.

Pay & Benefits

House to Vote on Fed Pay Freeze

Lawmakers will vote Friday on bill to extend the civilian pay freeze through 2013.

Pay & Benefits

Federal Pay Groundhog Day

Congress and the White House again unveil competing proposals on federal compensation.


Obama: We Need 'Smarter Government'

President's State of the Union urges lawmakers to "keep the people's government open."


Congress Can Approve a Budget This Year, Lawmakers Say

Republican and Democrat say political will to fix appropriations process will determine success.

Pay & Benefits

Group Seeks Protection for Public Health Service Officers’ Pay

Legislation that would ensure military gets paychecks during a government shutdown leaves some out.

Pay & Benefits

Obama to Back 1 Percent Pay Boost for Feds Next Year

President will propose a 1 percent salary boost for civilian workers in upcoming budget.


Senator: Feds Need to Know Consequences of Sequester

Maryland Democrat says agencies should talk to employees now about looming budget cuts if they haven’t yet.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement Claims Backlog Spikes

An expected influx of new applications drove a 37 percent increase.

Pay & Benefits

Family and Medical Leave Gets an Upgrade

Vets and service members benefit from expansions under the 1993 law.