Pay & Benefits

Fed groups blast latest attempt to extend pay freeze

Government employee advocates say ‘enough is enough,’ and urge lawmakers to oppose bill in next week’s vote.

Pay & Benefits

GOP lawmakers seek to reduce their own compensation

Bills would decrease congressional pay, allow all members to opt out of retirement benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Bill would allow Uncle Sam to fire federal tax cheats

Legislation would apply to executive and legislative branch employees as well as Postal Service workers.

Pay & Benefits

TRICARE's High Price Tag Comes Under Scrutiny

The pressure is on to raise rates for the military’s health care plan.

Pay & Benefits

Obama says debt ceiling impasse threatens fed pay

A government default could mean delayed checks for civilians and troops.

Pay & Benefits

Sandy amendments target federal transit benefits, spending

Proposals would end mass transit perk and impose a 1.63 percent across-the-board spending cut.


Poll: Feds expect to attend fewer events this year

Tight budgets force government employees to anticipate fewer training and trade show opportunities.

Pay & Benefits

TSP mulls investment conversion option

Fiscal cliff law allows retirement plans to let enrollees switch to a Roth account.

Pay & Benefits

Mass Confusion Over Mass Transit

Congress boosts subsidy benefit for commuters retroactively, but law is unclear on what that means exactly.


Labor secretary resigns

Hilda Solis' departure could increase talk of need for more diversity in Obama's second-term Cabinet.

Pay & Benefits

GSA boosts mileage reimbursement rate

Agency increases current rate to 56.5 cents per mile for feds who use their private vehicles for work.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement claims backlog falls 57 percent in 2012

Slow December provides a lull before an expected influx of applications this month.

Pay & Benefits

Feds see paychecks shrink with payroll tax hike

Employees feel the pain as pay freeze extension and higher tax converge.


Treasury jobs relocation on hold

Plan to move 450 feds from Maryland to West Virginia postponed until 2019.

Pay & Benefits

Military pay raise becomes law

Obama signs defense legislation authorizing 1.7 percent raise for service members in 2013.

Pay & Benefits

Pay and Benefits, Post-Holiday and Post-Cliff

Lots of federal compensation news, but few actual changes as the New Year begins.

Pay & Benefits

Feds safe from pay freeze extension – for now

Senate did not act on House-passed legislation before adjourning Wednesday.