Pay & Benefits

Obama orders end to pay freeze in spring

Move would end two-year prohibition on across-the-board increases.


Congress approves Defense measure

Bill with provisions on military pay and benefits, civilian jobs heads to Obama.

Pay & Benefits

House approves military pay raise

Defense authorization conference report also directs Pentagon to shrink its workforce.


OMB: Furloughs are a last resort under sequestration

Administration says agencies won’t furlough employees immediately if spending cuts hit Jan. 2.

Pay & Benefits

Diet COLA Likely for Retirees

Any imminent fiscal cliff deal probably won’t target federal compensation but that doesn’t mean feds are out of the woods.


Pentagon will have to shed thousands of jobs during next few years under bill

Provision to reduce civilian and contractor workforces included in House-Senate version of Defense legislation.

Pay & Benefits

Fiscal cliff offers include switch to chained CPI

Retirees are bracing themselves for the strong possibility that a less generous COLA formula is part of deficit reduction.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Roth continues to grow in popularity

The retirement option’s assets near $100 million at the end of November.


GAO: Management of job placement services for military spouses could be better

Watchdog says Defense needs to improve guidance and monitoring of multi-million dollar employment assistance programs.


House lawmakers want colleagues to drop provision slashing up to 36,000 Pentagon jobs

Washington-area reps ask Defense bill negotiators to get rid of Senate language cutting civilian and contractor workforce.

Pay & Benefits

Chained to the Fiscal Cliff?

Retirees should brace themselves for the strong possibility that a less generous COLA formula is part of deficit reduction.

Pay & Benefits

Maryland Democrat: Federal pay and benefits remain a GOP target

Lawmaker says he isn’t aware of specific proposals to reduce fed compensation being touted by Republican leadership in fiscal cliff talks.

Pay & Benefits

Survey: Feds have it good compared to private sector workers

Most Americans continue to believe government employees are less industrious and have more job security.

Pay & Benefits

Congress again delays STOCK ACT for senior execs

The public financial disclosure requirement for thousands of high-ranking career employees is postponed until April 15, 2013.

Pay & Benefits

TRICARE drug co-pay increase still up in the air

Senate bill is silent on health care program’s prescription co-payment hike, paving the way for a more aggressive White House proposal.

Pay & Benefits

Senate approves military pay raise

House version of defense authorization bill also includes 1.7 percent boost for service members.

Pay & Benefits

Agency will use FEHBP experience to run some health plans under Obamacare

OPM will use feds’ health benefits program as model for administering multi-state plan program on insurance exchanges.