
Military personnel have until Sunday to apply for special pay

Members whose service was extended involuntarily after the 9/11 terrorist attacks are eligible for benefit.

Pay & Benefits

Army encourages early retirement for some soldiers

Service is using incentive to help reduce the force by thousands over the next few years.

Pay & Benefits

Poll: How healthy is your health insurance plan?

Open season is right around the corner, and we want to know what you think of FEHBP.

Pay & Benefits

Government Employees: Working Hard, or Hardly Working?

Most people think public servants work less, but earn more than private sector employees, according to survey.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement claims surge in September

OPM chips away at backlog, despite receiving thousands more applications than expected.


Stopgap spending measure provides clarity to sequester threat

If sequestration occurs in January, it will be based on funding levels in current CR.

Pay & Benefits

FEHBP Enrollees: The Check Is Not in the Mail

OPM will use any rebates from health insurance carriers to adjust 2014 premium rates.


Romney slams Obama’s approach as 'trickle-down government'

Candidates spar over role of government but don’t give specific federal workforce proposals much air time.

Pay & Benefits

Military retirees see TRICARE fee hike

Many enrollees will pay 17 percent more in annual fees in fiscal 2013.

Pay & Benefits

Obama makes pay freeze extension official

President signs into law six-month continuing resolution to avoid government shutdown.


Labor of Love

AFGE’s new president, J. David Cox, talks tough, but he likes to listen too.


President signs STOCK Act delay for senior execs

Law postpones until Dec. 8 the financial online posting requirement for thousands of career feds.


OPM courts interns, recent grads

Agency is ramping up its efforts this fall to attract new hires to government.

Pay & Benefits

Sequestration Can’t Touch Certain Pay and Benefits

An optimist’s look at what is protected from those dreaded governmentwide spending cuts.

Pay & Benefits

Poll: Are you ready for sequestration?

Tell us how well-prepared (or not) your agency is for the government’s fiscal Armageddon.