
Senate delays STOCK Act for senior execs

Bill postpones online publication of feds’ finances until Dec. 8.

Pay & Benefits

Congress approves extended pay freeze

Six-month spending measure avoids a government shutdown as fiscal year winds down.

Pay & Benefits

Diet COLA on the Horizon

Federal retirees could receive a 1.4 percent cost-of-living boost in 2013, down from 3.6 percent in 2012.


Romney wishes some feds weren’t unionized

GOP presidential nominee hints that he would root out more bad seeds in the government workforce if allowed.


Lawmakers could change STOCK Act provisions before leaving town

Senior executives’ group hopes Congress will alter online financial disclosure rules for thousands of feds.


CBO: Placing feds on unpaid leave wouldn’t really affect spending

Bill lets agencies stop paying senior execs accused of wrongdoing for up to 180 days pending an investigation.


Report confirms feds would feel the effects of sequestration

White House official cites ‘significant impact,’ but provides no details on job losses or furloughs.

Pay & Benefits

House approves extended pay freeze

Lawmakers pass legislation to keep government running for the next six months.

Pay & Benefits

Forget the Pay Freeze: Start Worrying About Health Care Costs

Military retirees’ health care fees will increase on Oct. 1; the jury is still out for federal civilian employees.

Pay & Benefits

Washington gives props to feds at annual awards gala

Nonprofit group honors civil servants for wide-ranging work in medicine, transportation safety, and law enforcement.

Pay & Benefits

Appropriators make pay freeze extension official

Stopgap spending measure continues current salary freeze on feds and lawmakers for next six months.

Pay & Benefits

Poll: Feds are fed up with charity campaign

Informal survey finds most feds do not plan to contribute to government’s annual giving drive.

Pay & Benefits

Spending cuts likely to trigger furloughs

Budget expert is not optimistic Congress will reach deal to avoid governmentwide cuts before deadline.


All Business

Mitt Romney has been a governor and run the Olympics.


Obama expands military suicide prevention programs

Executive order directs agencies to ramp up mental health care services for vets and families.