Pay & Benefits

OPM hopes to solve retirement claims backlog with more staff

John Berry says agency does not yet have an information technology solution to fix the system.


Going on a Cash Diet

The government's spending problem means smaller portions for agencies and managers for the foreseeable future.

Pay & Benefits

Federal workers' comp program remains vulnerable to fraud

Several bills are pending in Congress that would tighten up oversight of benefits for feds injured on the job.

Pay & Benefits

411 on 401(k)

The TSP board will release more information on the Roth option next week.

Pay & Benefits

House Democrats: Don’t cut federal pay and benefits

Several lawmakers urge conference committee to reject proposals reducing federal compensation to finance payroll tax cut extension.

Pay & Benefits

Conferees meet to discuss payroll tax cut extension

Lawmakers did not discuss federal compensation provisions in any detail during first hearing.


Federal agencies in Washington will open late because of wintry weather

Employees can arrive by 11 a.m. Monday, take unscheduled leave or telework.

Pay & Benefits

Pension tensions continue to mount

Retirement benefits for government employees debated, as economy and deficit reduction remain in the spotlight.


Federal pay and benefits remain at risk as Congress returns

House and Senate conferees must determine how to finance a yearlong payroll tax cut extension.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement Plan

OPM unveils a new strategy to expedite retirement claims.

Pay & Benefits

GSA declines to raise mileage reimbursement rate

The 2012 rate remains at 51 cents per mile for feds who use their cars for work.


No furloughs expected at GAO, officials say

Despite major budget cuts, agency and union are not planning on employee furloughs.

Pay & Benefits

Less Than 1 Percent

A proposed pay raise in 2013 isn’t generating much enthusiasm among the federal workforce.

Pay & Benefits

Congressional pay could rise in 2013

Lawmakers’ salaries will see a slight increase unless they forgo it, or extend the pay freeze.

Pay & Benefits

White House proposal to end pay freeze draws mixed reactions

Federal employee groups pleased with recommendation to boost government pay in 2013, but say 0.5 percent raise is not enough.


Postal reform bills could see action early this year

Pay and benefits changes are included in both House and Senate legislation.