Pay & Benefits

On Defense

Pay and benefits talk returns in Washington and this time it’s focused on the military.


Military pay raise takes effect

Defense authorization act also contains TRICARE fee hikes for some enrollees.


Buyout Or Bust

Several agencies are offering cash incentives to encourage employees to leave, but most might be better off staying put.

Pay & Benefits

Are federal buyout incentives worth taking?

Some agencies are offering cash to encourage employees to leave, but most workers might be better off staying put.

Pay & Benefits

Calculating Pay

A new online calculator helps feds to do their own math.

Pay & Benefits

Database lists top federal earners in 2011

The highest paid government employee this year is a doctor at the National Cancer Institute.

Pay & Benefits

Groups still worried about possible extended federal pay freeze

Employee advocates warily eye last-minute debate over tax holiday.

Pay & Benefits

Senate spares feds in payroll tax bill

Democratic chamber excludes provisions that would reduce federal compensation, but legislation is expected to fail in the House.

Pay & Benefits


Will President Obama let federal employees leave work early for Christmas?


Lawmakers decry extended pay freeze to finance payroll tax holiday

Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., says he’s confident chamber’s Democrats will oppose any measures reducing federal compensation to pay for tax cut.

Pay & Benefits

House passes bill that includes extension of federal pay freeze

GOP plan to finance payroll tax holiday clears first hurdle; omnibus spending bill could be at risk, prompting speculation about the possibility of a shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

USPS hopes for another deferral on mandatory payment

The cash-strapped agency owes $5.5 billion to prefund retirees’ health benefits.

Pay & Benefits

House vote expected Tuesday on bill containing pay freeze

Legislation extending payroll tax holiday also would increase amount feds contribute to their pensions.

Pay & Benefits

House bill would extend pay freeze

GOP plan to finance payroll tax holiday also would require feds to contribute more to their pensions.

Pay & Benefits

Freeze Fears

The debate over federal pay and benefits intensified this week.


Rule gives agencies more flexibility to rent vehicles

The new policy increases the amount of time the government can rent a vehicle without committing to a yearlong lease, a change the administration expects will save money.

Pay & Benefits

Senate again rejects payroll tax cut bills

Republican measure included provisions that would have extended the federal pay freeze and reduced the government workforce.


USPS, unions extend contract negotiations again

Deadline has been moved back more than a week, to Dec. 16.

Pay & Benefits

Groups urge House to reject proposals reducing federal pay and benefits

Federal employee advocates implore lawmakers not to finance payroll tax holiday at the expense of government workers.