Pay & Benefits

TSP returns disappoint in November

All but three funds posted negative returns last month.

Pay & Benefits

Senior managers awarded smaller bonuses in 2010

The percentage of top career executives receiving performance awards also decreased.

Pay & Benefits

Senate rejects bill with pay freeze extension

The measure would have prolonged the federal salary freeze and reduced the government workforce.

Pay & Benefits

It Could Get Worse

Federal pay and benefits face a fate worse than anything that could have come from the super committee.

Pay & Benefits

White House opposes bill that includes a pay freeze extension

Administration statement does not directly address proposals to prolong the salary freeze or reduce the federal workforce.


Shelter from the Storm

Federal managers and employees fought their way through rough conditions this year. And next year’s forecast isn’t great, either.

Pay & Benefits

TSP interfund transfers climb in October

Federal employees opted for safer retirement investments last month.

Pay & Benefits

GOP considers longer pay freeze

Senate Republicans reportedly are contemplating further federal salary freeze to pay for payroll tax cut.


House passes federal workers’ comp bill

Legislation would make program more accountable, provide greater support to employees with injuries related to terrorism.

Pay & Benefits

Shelter from the Storm

Federal managers and employees fought their way through rough conditions this year. And next year's forecast isn't great, either.


Some TRICARE enrollees will save money in 2012

The monthly premiums for young adults in the military’s health care system will be $10 to $12 less next year.


How Deep Could the Budget Cuts Be?

Pay & Benefits

OPM issues guidance on workforce restructuring

Buyouts, early outs, layoffs and other management tools addressed in memo from Director John Berry.

Pay & Benefits

USPS, unions still negotiating over pay and benefits

Postmaster general is optimistic that labor and management will agree on new contracts.


Super committee failure helps feds in short term

But automatic spending cuts governmentwide ultimately will hurt agencies and workers.


Financially ailing Postal Service gets a reprieve

Measure keeping government open also allows USPS to defer multibillion-dollar retiree health benefit payment.

Pay & Benefits

Super Committee Countdown

Will federal pay and benefits take a hit in the panel’s deficit reduction plan?


Council moves forward on performance management plan

Labor-management group recommends better training for supervisors and more feedback between employees and their bosses.


Postal Service will resume FERS retirement contributions next month

USPS lost $5.1 billion in fiscal 2011 and expects to run out of money in fiscal 2012.