
Survey: Military families report concern over potential TRICARE fee hike

Fifty-two percent of respondents said they plan to save more for health care expenses during retirement.

Pay & Benefits

USPS proposal to leave federal health benefits program questioned

Agency could save money by contributing less to premium costs, according to consultant.

Pay & Benefits

FERS Fact Check

How much do federal employees contribute to their overall retirement benefits?

Pay & Benefits

Life insurance premium changes on the way for some feds

Affected employees and retirees will see decreases or increases depending on their plans.


Maryland Democrat is not optimistic super committee will spare feds

Sen. Ben Cardin won’t be surprised if deficit reduction panel recommends reducing government employees’ retirement benefits.


Federal managers support program cuts, fewer contractors

Survey respondents do not favor further proposals targeting pay and benefits to reduce the deficit.


Public-private pay gap widens

Washington and Miami are exceptions to the rule, according to latest statistics.

Pay & Benefits

Playing Defense

The issue of military compensation reform continues to percolate amid talk of Defense budget cuts.

Pay & Benefits

Panel considers bill to shrink federal workforce through attrition

House committee is set to mark up Rep. Mick Mulvaney's measure to reduce government workforce by 10 percent over three years.


Hatching a New Plan

Reform of the 72-year-old law that restricts certain political activities by government workers has been slow in coming.

Pay & Benefits

OMB employees split over labor representation

Professional staff votes against bargaining unit, while smaller group opts to join union.

Pay & Benefits

Union opposes pension contribution proposal

Group takes particular issue with provision requiring employees of nontaxpayer funded Tennessee Valley Authority to pay into retirement plans.

Pay & Benefits

Super Secretive

What’s the latest on deficit reduction proposals related to federal pay and benefits? You’d never guess from watching the public super committee hearings.

Pay & Benefits

TSP contribution cap to increase in 2012

Employees will be able to add up to $17,000 to their retirement plans next year.


Defense officials downplay panel’s role in revamping military retirement

Pentagon is reviewing its compensation structure for service members, including changes to pension benefits.


Senate approves COLA hike for disabled vets

Bill provides 3.6 percent increase and also boosts benefits to surviving spouses and children.

Pay & Benefits

Reviewing the 3Rs

OPM wants to know how much agencies spent on recruitment, retention and relocation incentives during the past two years.


Former ICE employee admits stealing from the government

Ahmed Adil Abdallat faces up to 10 years in prison for misusing a diplomatic passport and submitting false travel expenses.

Pay & Benefits

Federal retirees will see COLA boost in 2012

CSRS retirees receive a 3.6 percent cost-of-living adjustment increase as food and gas prices rise, while FERS retirees get a 2.6 percent bump.