Pay & Benefits

Workers’ comp reform bill would hurt injured feds, witnesses say

Panelists say legislation would dock employees’ benefits.


Federal pay and benefits spared -- for now

The debt strategies unveiled Monday do not contain specific provisions that would affect employees’ salaries or pensions.


CBO: Policymakers should consider trimming benefits to feds, vets

Director Douglas Elmendorf outlines deficit reduction ideas, which include less generous benefits for federal employees.


Agencies lack clear guidance on telework during emergencies, report says

Watchdog identifies problems with IT, personnel readiness related to federal telework and continuity of government operations.

Pay & Benefits

Law and Order

One group of feds is receiving enhanced retirement benefits these days.

Pay & Benefits

Union fights back against proposed cuts to pay and benefits

NTEU launches public awareness campaign to underscore importance of government service.


Furlough Scare: Part II

Pay & Benefits

CRS report revisits public-private pay debate

Government workers typically are older, more educated than private sector employees -- important factors in determining salaries.


House passes balanced budget bill

Senate is not expected to approve legislation requiring a constitutional amendment to raise debt ceiling.


Obama threatens veto of balanced budget bill

Legislation would require passage of constitutional amendment before the debt limit is raised.


Federal employees report being in the dark on debt ceiling

Group says public servants are concerned about a default’s impact on pay and benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Sooner or Later

It’s not if but when the cuts to federal pay and benefits will come.


Bill would pay military during a government default

Legislation sponsored by Rep. Steve King prioritizes funds for the salaries and allowances of service members if debt ceiling is not increased.


Debt ceiling debate: What happens to feds after Aug. 2 if there’s no deal?

Tell us what you’re hearing inside your agency about jobs, pay and benefits.


OPM chief says employees need more frequent feedback

Written evaluations once or twice a year aren’t enough, according to John Berry.


House approves 1.6 percent pay raise for service members

The boost is consistent with president’s fiscal 2012 budget request.


HUD reminds military personnel of their housing rights

Service members on active duty have legal protections against foreclosures by lenders.


Study finds lengthy deployments contribute to mental health problems in children

Stress, anxiety and depression are taking a toll on kids whose parents serve in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Pay & Benefits

Groups urge leaders to reject proposals aimed at federal workforce

Coalition criticizes plan to increase workers’ pension contributions in letters to President Obama and congressional leaders.


Focus on the Family

The military ramps up outreach to spouses feeling the strain of multiple deployments.