
Former top officials dissect homeland security since 9/11

Government has learned many lessons since terrorist attacks, but partisan politics and lack of information sharing across sectors still pose problems, panelists say.


GAO: Defense needs to improve management of incentive pay

From fiscal 2006 to fiscal 2010, the services signed contracts worth $11 billion in enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses.


Education considers buyouts

Department is weighing whether to join a growing list of federal agencies attempting to downsize in response to budget pressures.

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Complaints of improper political activity rise in 2010

Office of Special Counsel attributes increase in Hatch Act cases to growing public awareness and greater media attention.

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GSA joins White House healthy kids campaign

Agency will encourage nutritious meals, exercise in its child care centers across the country.

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Pension Penalties

Proposals attempt to curb corruption amid lawmakers by expanding the list of offenses punishable by loss of retirement benefits.


The Little Things Add Up

Chief financial officers sharpen their focus on technology, internal controls and training to accomplish incremental goals.


Chief officers want more collaboration among interagency councils

A panel of top federal leaders in IT, human capital and financial management say cross-pollination among groups would improve government operations.


Adm. Mullen: Local groups need to take lead on services for military families

Washington is best suited for a support role, outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs says.


Pension Tension Mounts


Women, minorities make gains in senior government jobs

OPM data shows top tier of federal workforce is slowly growing more diverse.


OPM: Pay raises are not a given

Director John Berry reminds agencies that mediocre employees should not receive automatic step increases.

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Place Particulars

Alaska and Hawaii get their own locality pay, OPM designates 15 states as medically underserved and lawmakers look at veteran benefits.

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Agency contributions to federal pension plans will rise in October

Employee payments will remain the same, but the total cost to government will increase, according to OPM estimates.


FEMA’s fraud unit plans to staff up

In response to IG recommendation, the agency will boost workforce to help prevent and investigate malfeasance.


Chief of the Year: Finance

Jim Taylor, chief financial officer, Labor Department.

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GOP lawmakers unveil bill to reduce government workforce

Legislation would allow one federal employee to be hired for every three employees who leave.


HR managers feel they lack time, money for succession planning

Human resources pros focus more on ensuring skilled staff is in the pipeline in their agencies than in their own offices, report finds.


GAO: Reservists need better information about health care benefits

Defense should improve efforts to educate eligible reservists about the TRICARE program, report says.


Masters of Disaster

As casualties mount, so do the number of agencies involved in the cleanup.