Pay & Benefits

Recouping Sick Leave

Some federal retirees who return to work can reclaim unused sick time.


Price tag of official time spent on union activities grows

Labor officials and Republican lawmakers debate whether that time is well spent.

Pay & Benefits

Agriculture Department offers buyouts, early outs

Department joins growing list of agencies trying to contain costs in difficult fiscal environment.


Committee approves bill that would forgive debt for some disaster assistance recipients

The full Senate now will vote on the legislation.

Pay & Benefits

Presidential hopeful would freeze federal salaries, reduce retirement benefits

GOP candidate Tim Pawlenty offers his vision for a smaller, leaner government to help reduce the deficit.


OMB launches pilot projects to crack down on improper payments

Federal agencies will work with state and local communities to prevent and recover erroneous payments.


Women in government are slightly less satisfied than men

The largest gap between genders existed in how they perceive empowerment and fairness in the workplace, data show.

Pay & Benefits

Democrats still won’t rule out cuts to federal pay and benefits

Everything is on the table when it comes to deficit reduction, says House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer.


Senate panel defeats bill that would forgive debt for some disaster victims

Committee could reconsider bill that aims to help those who owe money because of erroneous payments.

Pay & Benefits

Paying for It

A handy rundown of deficit hawks’ proposals targeting federal pay and benefits.


GAO: Defense underestimates costs of housing allowance

Department has had to shift funds from other programs to pay for lodging expenses of service members, report says.


Hiring reform shows progress, OPM chief says

Most federal jobs now are filled based on resumes and cover letters, and KSAs have been virtually eliminated, says John Berry.


CBO: Deal to avert government shutdown increases spending for fiscal year

Total discretionary outlays in 2011 will be $3.2 billion higher because of defense spending.


Treasury taps federal pensions as Uncle Sam hits debt ceiling

Federal law requires government to repay with interest retirement funds once debt limit is increased.

Pay & Benefits

Locality pay will remain unchanged in 2012

Officials decline to modify pay boundaries in six metropolitan regions or add any new areas.


Most of the money allotted for defunct DHS financial management project went unspent

Official says department obligated just a fraction of the millions associated with unsuccessful IT project.

Pay & Benefits

Calculating Cost

An online tool helps feds manage their long-term care insurance options.


Watchdog dings VA for poor management of rural health program

Office cannot be certain it wisely allocated nearly $300 million, IG concludes.


Union wants to lower cap on executive pay in federal contracts

AFGE is calling on lawmakers and the president to limit the reimbursement for contractor salaries to $200,000.


TRICARE fee hike likely for military retirees, say former Pentagon officials

House Armed Services Committee expects to include modest increase in its markup of fiscal 2012 Defense authorization bill.