
OPM: Federal job announcements need to be shorter and sweeter

Government continues to simplify the hiring process, but vacancy descriptions could be more succinct, official says.

Pay & Benefits

Docking Pay

Federal compensation stays on the government’s radar.


House panel set to approve 1.6 percent pay boost for military

An Armed Services subcommittee will mark up the fiscal 2012 Defense authorization bill on Wednesday.

Pay & Benefits

Nonprofit group announces finalists for public service awards

Federal employees will vie for honors with monetary awards ranging from $3,000 to $10,000.

Pay & Benefits

Losing Pay-tience

Readers weigh in on the federal retirement claims process.


Sixty-six senior executives win Presidential Distinguished Rank Awards

Top feds save government billions, says Senior Executives Association.


DEA Wants Your Surplus Meds


Deadline nears for agencies’ review of regulations

OIRA Administrator Cass Sunstein instructs leaders to publicly release preliminary plans for modifying rules by June 1.


For feds, shutdown carries more risk than debt-ceiling woes

Federal workers risk not getting paid if the government closes, while TSP benefits are guaranteed during a debt-limit stalemate.

Pay & Benefits

Grow Your Savings

In honor of Financial Literacy Month, some guidance about securing your retirement.


Air Force to survey some civilian employees on buyouts

Service’s Materiel Command plans to gauge civilian workforce interest in voluntary retirement or job separation.


Bill would forgive debt for some disaster assistance recipients

Legislation aims to help those who owe the government money because of erroneous payments from FEMA.


BRAC and NOVA traffic revisited

Pay & Benefits

Waitin’ on a Claim

OPM says it has reduced the time it takes to process retirement payments.


Feds To Shake Out For Earthquake Drill


OPM issues guidance on telework

Federal agencies have until June 7 to establish telework policies and notify employees of eligibility.


Military TSP enrollment grows

Nearly 40 percent of active-duty service members now participate in the Thrift Savings Plan.


Lawmaker wants more robust effort to collect improper payments

OMB official says agencies are making real progress, but noted the complexity of recapturing debt from recipients.

Pay & Benefits

FEMA employee charged with embezzlement

A human resources worker allegedly stole nearly $150,000 from the agency through its payroll system.


President issues call for 'leaner' government

White House won’t rule out future cuts in spending on federal pay and benefits in the name of deficit reduction.