
Senator Pushes For Action on VA Accountability Reforms

Legislation that would limit appeal rights of fired department senior executives has stalled.


Senior Executive Service Faces ‘Pivotal Moment’ on Cusp of Next Administration

Report details some agencies’ efforts to infuse new life into the frail, aging elite career corps.

Pay & Benefits

Defense Rolls Out Phased Retirement For Civilian Employees

The decision by the government’s largest department could prod other agencies into offering the nearly four-year-old benefit to eligible workers.


OPM Tries to Kickstart National Security Job Rotation Program For Feds

Participants would receive ‘strong preference’ when applying to senior executive positions in national security.

Pay & Benefits

Former TSA Executive’s Excessive Bonuses Prompt Inquiry Into SES Awards

Senate Democrat wants OPM data on cash awards for top career officials, after it is revealed that the former TSA exec earned $90,000 in bonuses over 13 months.


Senate Moves to Change Vets’ Preference in Federal Hiring

Defense authorization bill conferees will have to decide whether to include the change in the final version of the legislation.


Federal Contractor Guidance on Prohibiting LGBT Discrimination Arrives Amid Heated Congressional Debate

Rule implementing Obama executive order seeks to clarify new requirements and help contractors avoid sex and pay discrimination.


Carter Proposes 'Huge' Pentagon Personnel System Overhaul

Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Thursday unveiled major proposals that would reform the military's "up or out" promotion system and allow civilian recruiters to bypass the traditional federal hiring process.


Are So Many Feds Really That Exceptional?

GAO study finds that 61 percent of federal employees received top performance ratings in 2013.

Pay & Benefits

Panel Recommends New Pay and Benefits System for Much of VA Workforce

The VA’s largest agency should have more flexibility to hire, pay and discipline employees, according to a draft report from the Commission on Care.

Pay & Benefits

VA Is a Safety Net For Many Vets, Study Finds

Veterans in 2010 were more reliant on government health care and other benefits than vets surveyed in 2001.

Pay & Benefits

More Disabled Vets Could Receive New Leave Benefit

OPM’s interpretation of 2015 law could mean some future hires with prior federal service also are eligible for medical treatment leave.

Pay & Benefits

Changes to Veterans’ Preference Could Be On the Horizon

A provision in a major Senate bill would limit the advantages veterans have in applying for federal jobs.


Could Attorney General Decision Help Fired VA Senior Executive Get Her Job Back?

The Justice Department declined to defend key part of 2014 accountability law on constitutional grounds.

Pay & Benefits

Clinton Pledges More Job Flexibility, Opportunities for Military Families

The Democratic presidential candidate’s platform aims to help families better weather constant moves and boost support services.

Pay & Benefits

Surviving Military Spouse Benefit Will Increase Slightly This Fall

The Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance, which will increase $35 to $310 in October, expires at the end of fiscal 2017.

Pay & Benefits

Unions At Odds Over VA Employee Accountability Bill

NFFE is the latest group to oppose changes to the employee disciplinary process in legislation supported by AFGE.