
MSPB Reminds Agencies They Don’t Need Airtight Proof to Get Suspected Criminals Off the Payroll

If agencies reasonably believe employees committed a crime that could carry jail time, they can suspend them indefinitely without pay.


HUD Turns to the 'Toyota Way' to Cut Through Red Tape in Hiring

Toyota is offering free advice on speeding up the process without sacrificing quality.

Pay & Benefits

House Votes to Ban Bonuses For Some Federal Senior Executives

The chamber on Thursday passed a major spending bill denying performance awards in fiscal 2017 to top career leaders at VA.

Pay & Benefits

House Backs a Bigger Pay Raise for Troops Than the Senate

2.1 percent figure is at odds with the 1.6 percent boost the Senate is on track to support.

Pay & Benefits

2.1 Percent Troop Pay Raise Moves Ahead in House

Appropriators on Tuesday approved a military pay increase in the fiscal 2017 Defense spending bill, following the lead of the Armed Services panel.


Senate Bill Would Allow Services to Restore Full Per Diem Rates for Defense Travelers

House and Senate versions of NDAA contain changes to a controversial Pentagon policy that reduced per diems for those on extended travel.

Pay & Benefits

Military Pay Raise, TRICARE Reform Bill Advances in Senate

Panel approves NDAA which also calls on Defense to reduce the Senior Executive Service by 25 percent by 2019.


Law Enforcement Employees Don’t Trust Agencies To Heed Input On Improving Federal Workplace

Employees working outside of Washington have even less confidence leaders will listen to their concerns.


Federal Cops Can Pack Heat On Furlough Under House-Passed Bill

Legislation allows law enforcement to carry their service guns during involuntary furloughs.

Pay & Benefits

No Tuition Hike in Fall For Feds Pursuing Online Higher Ed Benefit

Enrollees in the truED program pay between $250 and $597 per month for a range of offerings from Champlain College.

Pay & Benefits

Senators Seek Student Loan Tax Break for Severely Disabled, Including Vets

Bipartisan bill would eliminate IRS tax debt on forgiven student loans for permanently disabled and families whose child has died.

Pay & Benefits

Panel Repeals Cuts to Pentagon Travel Per Diems

Major Defense legislation advances that would scrap a 2014 department policy that slashed long-term travel reimbursement rates.