
Endangered Government Cutters

Endangered Government Cutters


O'Leary's Travels

O'Leary's Travels


Folded, Spindled . . .

Democrats, Republicans and even Ross Perot have vowed to transform--and perhaps eliminate--the IRS. They cite inefficient management, ineffective modernization, intrusive collection methods. Yet some critics also say that many of the agency's problems are not its fault.


No Shutdown, Lots of Gripes

No Shutdown, Lots of Gripes


NATO's New Horizons

The Atlantic alliance is redefining itself--and its future. In Bosnia, NATO forces are conducting the alliance's first ``out of area'' operation. Next spring, NATO is expected to announce that three former stalwarts of the Warsaw Pact will be offered membership.


Top Secrets

Technology that allows companies to safeguard their customers' messages is crucial to the future of electronic business on the Internet. But U.S. enforcement agencies fear that encoded data sent at high speed from one computer to another are an invitation to terrorists, and they want access to the information.


The End of Government

National Journal, Vol. 28, No. 36


A Tangled Web

Members of Congress are the latest group to surf the Internet. But maybe they missed the wave. Some telecommunications gurus say the Internet was overhyped as an electronic marketplace because consumers won't pay for what they're getting for free.


Clinton: The Sequel

Would four more years bring out the Old or the New Democrat in Bill Clinton? His political past and present ambitions offer some clues.


A Great, Almost New Idea!

A Great, Almost New Idea!


Cheers and Some Fears on Capitol Hill

For Republicans on Capitol Hill, this election season is a time of triumph and trepidation.


New Dogs, New Tricks

New Dogs, New Tricks


The GOP Tries Winning With Legislation

The GOP Tries Winning With Legislation


Perot Still Influences Campaign

Perot may not affect the presidential race, but his followers will probably help determine which party will control Congress.