
Trump To Feds: Prioritize Artificial Intelligence Work

A sweeping executive order to be signed Monday will push agencies to boost funding, improve training, and propose regulations for AI-related efforts.


The U.S. Military Is Chopping Up Its Iron Man Suit For Parts

Special Operations Command’s much-anticipated super suit won’t be here for Christmas.


The Teams Who Test U.S. Cyber Defenses Aren’t Being Tough Enough: Pentagon Report

Overworked trainers and penetration testers can’t properly simulate the worst real-world threats, leaving operators “overconfident.”


Intelligence Chiefs Diverge From Trump On Main Threats to U.S.

The things that worry America’s intelligence community can’t be stopped by a wall.


U.S. Military Eyes Tiny Nuclear Reactors for Deployed Troops

The Strategic Capabilities Office wants to fund prototypes, picking up on decades of intermittent research


Zap: How Electric Therapy Is Curing Navy SEALs of PTSD … And Could Remake Brain Science

Hundreds of vets have tried out an experimental new treatment that could change how the world addresses mental disorders.


Army Chief Confirms U.S. Will Hand off ISIS Fight in Syria

Gen. Mark Milley is the first senior military official to say the military is proceeding in Syria as Trump wishes.


As Arctic Warms, U.S. Navy Considering Summer Transit, Bering Sea Port

The Navy secretary says his service must be ready to answer Russian moves at the top of the world.


Pentagon Seeks a List of Ethical Principles for Using AI in War

An advisory board is drafting guidelines that may help shape worldwide norms for military artificial intelligence — and woo Silicon Valley to defense work.


Justice Hits Chinese Hackers For Attacking U.S. Navy, Agencies, Companies

Hackers with the Chinese government hit 45 targets in campaign going back years.


Inspectors Find Big Cyber Vulnerabilities in U.S. Missile Defense System

The managers of the nation’s missile defense system aren’t implementing basic cybersecurity practices, according to a new inspector report.


The Government’s Bioterror-Response Website May Be Leaking Sensitive Data

DHS inspectors and a whistleblower say the site, which would be used to coordinate federal responses to a bioterror attack, isn’t secure.


The F-35 Is About to Get A Lot Smarter

A California company is looking to accelerate the Defense Department’s embrace of artificial intelligence, starting with some of its most important aircraft.


This Inventor May Have Cured Motion Sickness Without Drugs. And That Could Mean a Lot to the US Military

One manufacturer of virtual-reality trainers has already begun including the devices in its simulators.


Pentagon Wants More Money for Lasers To Defend Against Missiles, Drone Swarms

Directed-energy weapons are with a factor of two or three to being militarily useful, the Pentagon’s top scientist said.


State Department Relaxing Rules on Transfer on Drone, Chip Technology

The rules will pave the way for 5G cellphones — and even drones that talk to each other in midair.


European Countries to Test AI Border Guards

A new program replaces human border guards with artificially intelligent avatars to watch for deception in travelers. It follows similar efforts that go back a decade.


China’s Moon Missions Could Threaten U.S. Satellites: Pentagon

A satellite on the far side of the moon might not be quite what the Chinese say, Air Force official warns.


Scientists: Pentagon’s Plant-Virus Research Could Endanger World’s Food Supply

But the Defense Department responds that new ways are needed to harden crops against coming natural and manmade threats.