
U.S. Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea

Five S-400 anti-aircraft missile batteries, plus additional troops and fighters, let Moscow better defend the Black Sea and threaten Europe and the Middle East.


U.S. to Send 1,000 More Troops to Poland

Last fall, Warsaw asked for a tank division; White House officials are hinting at a “significant” increase.


For Soldiers, Risk of Suicide Linked With Firearm Ownership

Clinicians advise that soldiers at risk for suicide spend less time close to guns.


Top U.S. Officer: Iran’s Threats Look Like a ‘Campaign’

The Joint Chiefs chairman says he saw ‘multiple threat streams that were all, perhaps coming together, in time.”


NATO Getting More Aggressive on Offensive Cyber

Secretary General Stoltenberg says NATO pushes limits of what the alliance can do in cyberspace.


The FBI Has 850 Open Domestic Terrorism Investigations

Homegrown extremism is rising, one year after the Trump administration cut funding to programs that counter hate groups.


Fighter Jets with Missile-Killing Lasers Take Another Step Toward Reality

U.S. Air Force says a ground-based laser downed multiple test missiles over New Mexico.


Pentagon Warns Of China’s Rise in the Arctic, Missile Subs, Influence Operations

Annual "China Military Power" report notes that Beijing’s deterrence fleet is up to six ballistic missile subs.


House Lawmakers To Ask Justice Department to Investigate Erik Prince

‘Very strong evidence’ that Blackwater founder committed perjury, says Intel chairman Schiff.


Pentagon’s Digital Guru Chris Lynch to Depart

DOD office instrumental in the JEDI cloud competition is getting a new director this month.


The Pentagon Is Killing a Key Independent-Research Program

For decades, JASON studies helped DOD and other agencies get outside perspectives on scientific and technical topics.


The US Army Wants AI to Read Soldiers’ Minds

A new study from the Army Research Lab may help AI-infused weapons and tools better understand their human operators.


The Newest AI-Enabled Weapon: ‘Deep-Faking’ Photos of the Earth

Step 1: Use AI to make undetectable changes to outdoor photos. Step 2: release them into the open-source world and enjoy the chaos.


The U.S. Military Is Creating the Future of Employee Monitoring

A new AI-enabled pilot project aims to sense “micro changes” in the behavior of people with top-secret clearances. If it works, it could be the future of corporate HR.


Pentagon Wants to Test A Space-Based Weapon in 2023

Defense officials have asked for $304 million to fund research into space-based lasers and particle beams, and other new forms of missile defense next year.


NSA-Cyber Command Chief Recommends No Split Until 2020: Sources

That’s another delay for a separation planned several Defense Secretaries ago.


Top Nuke General: Russia Is Exploiting Gaps In Key Arms-Control Treaty

The leader of U.S. Strategic Command sees New START as vital, flawed, and in danger.


There’s a Big Obstacle to the Pentagon’s New Strategy to Speed AI to Troops

Defense officials want to accelerate the delivery of artificial-intelligence tools from the lab to the field. But it's hard to obtain the massive data streams that make AI work.