
The Future of the Marines Is Smaller, More Robotic, More Naval

The new Commandant of the Marine Corps lays out a vision for high-tech force that will often operate like special forces.


Allies Defend Kurt Volker, Diplomat Caught Up in Ukrainegate

Former officials say that the characterization of Volker that has emerged in some press reports is untrue.


A New Joystick For the Brain-Controlled Vehicles Of the Future

An innovative sensor strip promises a far better way to connect human brains to machines.


The Air Force Will Start Work on Flying Cars This Fall

It’s about replacing the V-22, eventually. But it’s also about finding new ways to harness commercial innovation.


Pentagon Shelves Neutral Particle Beam Research

One of the U.S. military’s most ambitious space-based projects has crashed back to Earth.


How AI Will Predict Chinese and Russian Moves in the Pacific

As Pacific Air Forces builds a picture of normal traffic, they'll start looking for suspicious patterns — and even predict what's coming.


Air Force Tests Contraption That Can Turn Any Plane Into a Robot Plane

Scientists say new ROBOpilot completed a two-hour test flight, essentially turning a manned plane into a drone.


3-Star General: Tomorrow’s Troops Need Controversial JEDI Cloud

Days after the new SecDef put a hold on the massive cloud program, two Pentagon leaders went on the record to defend it.


A Small Texas City Will Become the Country’s ‘Hypersonics Research Capital’

The Army Futures Command will test missiles and autonomous vehicles some 100 miles east of Austin.


When Trump Threatens Google, Here’s What He Doesn’t Get

Days after the Treasury Secretary cleared the U.S. tech giant of national security concerns, the president was rage-tweeting again.


How AI Will Help Radar Detect Tiny Drones 3 Kilometers Away

Small drones are becoming a big problem. Here’s how next-generation neural networking techniques could help.


Did the U.S. Invent Lyme Disease in the 1960s? The House Aims to Find Out

A decades-old conspiracy theory says Cold War bioweapons research is sickening tens of thousands of Americans a year.


Army Goggles Will Feature Facial Recognition Tech ‘Very Soon’

A modified gamer headset will allow soldiers to see through a drone’s eyes, aim around corners, and identify the faces of enemies in their sights.


New Camera Could Help Drones See Through Camouflage

Researchers copied a technique pioneered by creatures like the mantis shrimp.


U.S. Army Making Synthetic Biology a Priority

New thermal cloaking, insect proof uniforms are on the horizon, if the U.S. can get out in front of China.


Researchers Show How to Send Fake Presidential Alerts To Your Phone

Your phone’s thirst for a better signal leaves it open to bogus messages, new research shows.


How the Pentagon Nickel-and-Dimed Its Way Into Losing a Drone

The lion’s share of the U.S. drone fleet is easy prey for advanced air defenses. It didn’t have to be that way.


HASC Chair on Mini-Nukes: ‘We’re Not Trying to Manage a Nuclear War’

hairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., speaks as Secretary of the Army Mark Esper, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, and U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein. Tuesday, April 2, 2019.


These Are the U.S. Military Bases Most Threatened by Climate Change

The belated lists arrived just ahead of a GAO report that says the Pentagon is failing to use climate projections in planning.