
House GOP leaders pull plug on budget plan

Differences remain on proposed emergency spending limits and earmark restrictions in a separate lobbying overhaul package.


Supplemental funding package keeps growing

Senate panel adds money at a rate of $80 million per minute in a two-hour session; exceeds Bush’s request by $15 billion.


House, Senate may be unable to agree on spending caps

The chambers’ budget plans are $9 billion apart on discretionary spending for fiscal 2007, with the Senate’s exceeding Bush’s request.


Conservatives offer votes in return for stricter spending rules

Demands include setting a date to debate a bill creating a sunset commission to evaluate federal programs.


House lobbying bill might force federal grants disclosure

Language could be attached requiring OMB to create a Website with a decade’s worth of information on recipients of federal funds.


Panel’s overhaul of earmark practices appears to have an effect

Appropriators are reporting a large reduction in earmark requests for fiscal 2007.


Moderates blow by Bush's spending cap

Fiscal 2007 budget plan narrowly approved by the Senate Thursday tops proposed limit on discretionary spending by $16 billion.


Senate begins debate on fiscal 2007 budget plan

Measure to raise the debt limit to nearly $9 trillion up for consideration later this week.


Line-item veto might hitch ride on lobbying overhaul bill

Appropriators likely to resist language allowing president to strike specific items from tax or spending bills and seek an up-or-down vote.


House budget vote likely to be pushed back

Senate expects to consider its version of the fiscal 2007 budget plan next week before departing for a week-long break.


Senator may address spying concerns in supplemental funding bill

Lawmaker says he may resort to the power of the purse if he can’t get satisfactory answers on warrantless domestic eavesdropping program.


Supplemental bill contains less than requested for Gulf Coast

Reductions would be in funds for shipbuilding, repairs to military facilities and housing vouchers.


Texas lawmakers seek to corral more supplemental funds

Legislators from Bush’s home state request $2 billion, arguing they have been left out in efforts to rebuild the Gulf Coast.


Bleak deficit picture in Treasury report concerns lawmakers

Figures putting the total value of all federal responsibilities at $49.4 trillion over 75 years are attracting more attention.


Key senator blasts White House budget practices

Budget committee leader sets goal of reining in the “shadow budget” created by frequent emergency spending requests.


Senator wants border security funds added to supplemental spending bill

Proposed $1.1 billion addition would go toward replacement and modernization of equipment, construction of stations and checkpoints, communications upgrades and language training.


Report: Effort to rebuild Iraq has been underfunded

The $2.2 billion requested in the 2006 supplemental funding bill and Bush’s 2007 budget would fall short by $5 billion to $10 billion, research center finds.


Supplemental aid request could be a tough sell on Capitol Hill

Delays and apparent lack of attention from the Bush administration worry lawmakers reviewing the $92.2 billion request for military operations, foreign aid and hurricane relief.


Congress awaits Thursday delivery of two supplemental funding requests

Requests for military operations, foreign assistance and Gulf Coast reconstruction could be slightly more than White House said last week.


Appropriations committee leaders vow quick action on bills, supplemental

Request for $70 billion in additional funding for the wars and $18 billion for supplemental Katrina assistance will be the first order of business.