
Bid to close Missouri mapping center draws opposition

House panel passes language thwarting U.S. Geological Survey consolidation plan; member will attempt to undo provision in conference.


House panel boosts FAA, HUD spending

But Amtrak sees cuts, and is order to reduce operating costs by cutting back on food and beverage services and first-class accommodations.


SBA could run out of funds for hurricane disaster loans

Senate Small Business Committee members concerned, met with agency officials Friday to discuss the situation.


Negotiators agree to hold emergency funding to $94.5 billion

Move will avoid a fight with the White House, which had threatened to veto the package if it exceeded Bush's request.


Bush shares details of $1.95 billion border security funding request

President seeks $756 million to deploy 6,000 National Guard troops and $410 million to hire and train 1,000 Border Patrol agents.


House conservatives prepare attack on earmarks

Appropriators have been quick to point out that total earmarks are down in the first few fiscal 2007 appropriations bills, compared with last year.


GOP to put caps on individual spending bills

Approach has been used only four times in the history of the 1974 Budget Act, most recently in 1996.


House GOP again forced to delay vote on the fiscal 2007 budget

Negotiations will continue through the weekend but window of opportunity is closing.


House GOP leaders seek action on budget resolution

Vote on blueprint could come as early as Thursday; measure would set $873 billion cap on fiscal 2007 discretionary spending.


House spending allocations clash with White House priorities

Foreign aid would see the steepest percentage cut from Bush's request, but would still get an increase over last year.


Fight looms over price tag of supplemental funding bill

Senate approves $108.9 billion in emergency funds; Bush has threatened veto of anything exceeding $94.5 billion.


Key legislator eyes $6 billion shift to boost domestic programs

Money slated for fiscal 2007 defense and foreign aid increases would be moved to health, education and other areas.


Senate adds $289 million in supplemental funding for avian flu

In setback to fiscal conservatives, vote added to the price tag of the still-growing emergency spending bill.


Senate close to approving supplemental funding bill

Bush has threatened to veto the legislation if the final version exceeds his $94.5 billion request.


Senate approves $1.9 billion for border security

Increase passed as amendment to wartime supplemental spending bill would be offset by a 2.8 percent cut in bill’s military programs.


Lobbying bill adds more challenges to earmark process

Changes in transparency rules incorporated into lobbying package are likely to further upset key House appropriator.


Confrontation looms in House over earmark proposal

Lobbying measure’s curbs on earmarks are drawing fire from Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.


Senator seeks Bush’s help controlling supplemental spending

Bill currently exceeds White House request for extra 2006 funding by $14.3 billion.


Natural resources programs hit hard in push for fiscal austerity

Programs funded by the Interior-EPA spending bill are facing cuts for the second year in a row.


Senator pushes Navy to reimburse Northrop for post-Katrina delays

Such costs are generally covered by insurance, but the defense giant and its insurer are in litigation.