
GOP leaders push House vote on earmark disclosure rule

Senators trying to resolve holds on separate measure to create a government database to track earmarked spending and grants.


CBO lowers estimated 2006 budget deficit to $260 billion

House minority leader calls new numbers the “latest evidence” Republicans cannot keep spending under control.


Defense bill includes funding for landmine detection bees

Honey bees have the potential to sweep for mines faster than dogs, and put the dogs and their handlers out of danger.


OMB director upbeat on line-item veto bill’s chances

Rob Portman goes to the Senate to pitch the measure, stresses that House passed bill by a wide margin.


Senator pursues earmarks for FBI expansion in Alabama

Effort would steer millions of dollars to facilities in Huntsville.


Senate panel OKs spending bills covering eight Cabinet departments

Measures shift $9.1 billion from the White House's Pentagon request to domestic programs.


Chances poor for line-item veto legislation

House passed its version of the measure last month, but White House has not been pushing the bill as hard in the Senate.


Labor-HHS spending bill likely to wait until at least September

Primary obstacle has been minimum wage increase; education and health funding levels also have prompted criticism.


Administration might seek $110 billion more for Iraq, Afghanistan

Request would boost military spending in those countries to about $560 billion since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


Partisans seek edge in homeland security funding

Senior Republicans are increasingly frustrated with DHS’ financial management, especially that of the Federal Protective Service.


Congress faces time crunch on spending bills

Senate leaders weigh attaching a continuing resolution to Defense bill to fund other areas of government until after the election.


New Smithsonian inspector general to report to board

Previous IG resigned earlier this month in the midst of an investigation into Smithsonian salaries, expenses and business ventures.


Report: War-related costs will exceed $500 billion next year

Monthly "burn rate" in Iraq and Afghanistan is expected to average $9.7 billion in fiscal 2006, an 18 percent jump from last year.


White House seeks $160 million in response to VA data breach

OMB would offset up to $30 million from within VA accounts; Democrats concerned this could detract from veterans' benefits.


Senate appropriators approve spending allocations

Allocations shift $11.4 billion from defense and foreign aid to other programs, including education, health care and law enforcement.


House passes $427.4 billion Defense spending bill

Measure contains 2.2 percent military pay raise, less than the 2.7 percent slated for civilian federal employees in a separate bill.


Earmark foe collects a few for his district

Advocate for earmark overhaul secured funds in Transportation-Treasury appropriations bill for at least two local projects.


House panel approves Defense, Labor-HHS spending bills

Full chamber passes $94.5 billion supplemental spending measure for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, border security, hurricane relief and pandemic flu preparedness.


Negotiators reach deal on supplemental spending bill

Senate appropriators agree to trim $14.4 billion from their version of bill to meet Bush's demands.


Subpanel passes Labor-HHS spending bill exceeding White House request

Bill fully funds President Bush's signature math and science education initiatives but terminates another 56 federal programs, largely education-related, saving $1.66 billion.