
Pet projects holding up extension of stopgap funding measure

None of the fiscal 2007 appropriations bills for domestic programs have been enacted; current continuing resolution expires Friday.


Key Democrat criticizes Republicans for stalling on spending bills

Punting appropriations bills into next year could have repercussions even for action on President Bush’s fiscal 2008 budget.


White House looking to break logjam on military, VA spending bill

Measure hangs in the balance because of lingering distrust between conservatives and appropriators.


Lawmakers eye another extension of stopgap funding measure

There’s a chance that a roughly $136 billion fiscal 2007 Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs spending bill might be attached.


Agencies urge against long-term use of stopgap funding measure

Considering the relative ease with which conservatives have blocked further action this year on spending bills, agencies are drawing up worst-case scenarios.


Appropriators ask Bush to steer clear of new user fees

Such proposals have been mainstays of Bush's budget blueprints but give appropriators headaches because they have the effect of creating unrealistic offsets for additional spending.


Senator appeals to White House for help moving spending bills

GOP conservatives are blocking the 10 remaining bills, favoring a long-term continuing resolution free of earmarks.


Prospects for passage of remaining spending bills in lame-duck session grow dim

Conservatives favor a year-long extension of the continuing resolution.


GOP leaders aim to finish as many spending bills as possible

Emerging option would be to pass up to three more bills, with each becoming the vehicle for two others.


Money matters, leadership elections filling lawmakers' plates

Leaders from both parties have agreed to at least try to finish fiscal 2007 spending bills in lame duck session.


Lame duck session might boil down to continuing resolution

To-do list includes 10 of 12 remaining fiscal 2007 appropriations bills, but lawmakers may elect to pass a CR instead.


Senate faces long post-election to-do list

Remaining work includes includes finishing nearly a half-trillion dollars worth of fiscal 2007 appropriations bills.


Deficit drops as revenues climb

Overall spending increased by 7.4 percent to about $2.65 trillion in fiscal 2006.


GOP leader reminded of pledge to boost health, education funding

House Republican moderates are asking for an additional $3 billion; decision likely to wait until after the elections.


Time running out for additions to DHS spending bill

House Republican leaders met Thursday to discuss outstanding issues with the measure.


White House reiterates veto threat on Defense spending bill

Appropriations leaders’ agreement to trim $5.9 billion from base 2007 Defense accounts is unacceptable, OMB chief says.


Drug reimportation language holds up homeland security bill

Pharmaceutical lobby opposes a provision barring CBP agents from seizing legal drugs brought across the U.S.-Canada border.


House passes earmark disclosure rule by comfortable margin

Of the 24 Republicans who voted against the rules change, 22 were appropriators.


Democrats seek to expand GOP earmark overhaul

Proposed change to pending transparency rule would prevent members from personally benefiting from an earmark.


Senate adds border security funding to Defense bill

Addition aimed at placating voters in the absence of a comprehensive immigration overhaul package.