
Budget plan touches only the surface of long-term fiscal issues

By 2040, interest on the debt could reach about 15 percent of gross domestic product.


Bush plan aims to return to budget surplus by 2012

Democrats are skeptical, saying proposal relies on misguided policies including tax cut extensions and cuts in domestic programs.


Split GOP helps House pass long-term spending measure

Bill now moves to the Senate, where Democrats have a tougher task in obtaining the necessary 60 votes to cut off debate and pass it.


GOP prepares for battle as Dems propose spending measure

Republicans argue Democrats relied on budgetary "gimmicks" to fund increases for their favored programs.


GOP moderates seek increased funding in areas including health

Health and Human Services, Labor programs should receive at least a 2 percent" increase over fiscal 2006 levels, moderates say.


Health, education programs may gain as Dems reconcile funding pleas

If granted, extra $2.3 billion requested would go toward the National Institutes of Health, Pell grants and other programs.


House set to consider long-term spending measure next week

Democrats are planning to fund domestic agencies within the $463.5 billion left under the GOP budget cap.


Budget office revises forecast for deficit sharply downward

Shift in fiscal 2007 projections can be attributed to lower than anticipated spending and, to a lesser extent, higher than expected revenues.


Key appropriator promises to block line-item veto language

Author of provision argues he has tailored the measure to address constitutional concerns and preserve Congress' power of the purse.


Questions remain about measure to fund agencies until October

Democrats plan to give most domestic agencies the amount enacted for last year, leaving about $3 billion to redirect to programs in need.


Senators propose group to focus on looming fiscal mess

Goal is to come up with solutions to problems such as the cost of providing benefits to retiring baby boomers.


Senate GOP appropriators announce subcommittee leaders

Thad Cochran, R-Miss., reclaims the top Republican slot on the Homeland Security Subcommittee he gave up two years ago.


New appropriations leaders aim to finish fiscal 2008 bills on time

Panel chairs agree on a lineup of 12 subcommittees that matches up cleanly in both chambers.


House appropriators to gain two subcommittees

Treasury Department, Postal Service, GSA, OPM and other general government agencies will move under new Financial Services subpanel.


House Dem: Defense obligations will impede balanced budget

One priority is reinstating "pay/go" rules of the 1990s, which require offsets for new tax cuts or entitlement programs, budget leader says.


Key senator urges Bush to use his sway on fiscal issues

A first step will be to institute "pay/go" requirements that new entitlement programs or tax cuts be offset, incoming budget panel leader says.


Dems back spending plan that would bring 2.2 percent raise

Proposal to enact yearlong continuing resolution means that President Bush's pay plan goes into effect.


Congress averts shutdown, puts off spending bills until February

Agencies that would have to furlough employees without budget increases were allotted flexibility under continuing resolution to avoid that.


Congress to take up new measure to keep agencies open

Latest continuing resolution will prevent government shutdown until Feb. 15, as lawmakers continue to debate fiscal 2007 spending bills.


VA health funding fix might help avert government shutdown

Current continuing resolution runs out Friday; House and Senate likely to pass another measure keeping agencies open until Feb. 15.