
Senate passes wartime spending package with two GOP votes

President Bush vows again to veto the bill because of the billions in extra nonmilitary spending and the Iraq withdrawal timeline.


Senate panel approves bill to boost wartime spending

White House issues a veto threat, as it did for House version that has more restrictions on troop deployments and more domestic spending.


Democratic leadership wins first major test on Iraq funds

Republicans attack war spending bill -- which passed on a narrow margin -- as a recipe for defeat in Iraq littered with "pork-barrel" funding.


Senate takes on Smithsonian chief's 'champagne lifestyle'

Amendment to budget blueprint would make $17 million of the agency's budget conditional on certain changes.


House appropriator seeks extension of earmark deadline

Members express concern that new rules governing earmarks have led to confusion.


House panel backs supplemental wartime spending bill

Measure provides $95.5 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, stipulates withdrawal from Iraq by next fall at the latest.


Senate budget leader suggests hike in discretionary spending

Figure proposed by Democrats is $16 billion above President Bush's fiscal 2008 budget request.


Dems remove Iran language from bill to boost war funding

House plan includes a lot of add-ons for domestic priorities, and incorporates major contracting reform legislation.


Bill to boost war spending has something for everyone

Democrats add $21 billion to Bush's $103 billion request; Republicans say they will only support a “clean” bill focusing on troop support.


Dems seek funding boost for Afghanistan, domestic programs

Bill would set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq by next fall; White House threatens a veto.


Democrats closing in on Iraq troop withdrawal proposal

Plan may require the Iraqi government to meet benchmarks that would dictate the timetable for the departure of U.S. forces.


CBO says budget won't quite balance by fiscal 2012

Office’s figure is about $70 billion lower than the White House's estimate of a $61 billion surplus at the end of the five-year budget window.


Budget office outlines range of options on spending, revenue

Eliminating future combat program to fight rising defense costs would save $62 billion over the next decade, office estimates.


Appropriators ask HUD to fix Gulf Coast funding glitch

Spokeswoman says the agency is ready to work with lawmakers to resolve the issue.


McCain measure would create public safety network

Bill would carve out a swath of radio spectrum to provide advanced wireless services for first responders.


OMB chief tells agencies to ignore earmarks not written into law

The fiscal 2007 full-year funding measure for domestic agencies signed into law Thursday by President Bush contains no new earmarks.


Senate clears final spending measure for domestic agencies

Bill would allow the Social Security Administration to escape furloughs; falls short of Bush’s request for military base realignment.


CBO head keeps close counsel in assessing Bush budget

Democrats have been turning up the heat on the Bush administration for its allegedly too-rosy economic outlook.


Energy Department pledges to fend off earmark pressure

Projects will be funded only after a careful review, secretary assures senators.


Signals Dems will block spending bill add-ons frustrate GOP

Oklahoma senator claims Democrats have slashed a program to detect and treat HIV/AIDS in newborns in retribution for stance on spending.