
OMB charts performance improvement course

Focus will shift from data collection to using performance information to achieve better results.


Senator opens investigation of Arlington Cemetery contractors

Probe comes in response to IG findings that outdated records system led to hundreds of graves being misidentified, unmarked.


Small business owners air contracting frustrations

At public meeting, entrepreneurs, advocates call for reduced bundling and strengthened oversight of small business programs.


Bill places limits on contractor spending

House passes legislation that restricts many recipients of federal funds from unlimited spending on campaign ads.


Procurement officials face mounting pressures

A flurry of policy changes creates an implementation headache for top acquisition managers.


Senate passes improper payment bill

Legislation would require agencies to identify and recover nearly $100 billion in mistaken payments.


Momentum is building to end secret holds

Missouri Democrat has commitments from 68 senators to end the practice of anonymously stalling nominees and bills.


Budget director to step down

Peter Orszag plans to leave the Obama administration this summer, becoming the first Cabinet member to depart.


Defense policy bill could affect insourcing efforts

Provisions would prohibit quotas and require agencies to give “special consideration” to bringing several categories of contract work back in house.


Guard work defies easy labels

Witnesses tell wartime contracting panel a nuanced approach is needed to identify which security jobs should be off-limits to contractors.


White House makes case for authority to perform spending surgery

Lawmakers raise concerns about bill that would provide the president with expedited budget rescission authority.


Air Force calls up plan to save millions

Service will heed the advice of an employee and change its cell phone strategy.


Agencies must justify non-competitive contracts

Final rule mandates that officials post documents explaining lack of competition.


Procurement Pressures

A flurry of policy changes creates an implementation headache for top acquisition officials.


Building security agency’s workforce plan questioned

Watchdog wonders how the Federal Protective Service will pay, hire and train new employees.


Procurement survey finds room for savings, process improvements

Contracting professionals suggest they can cut their budgets 30 percent by making acquisition operations more efficient.


Administration wants input on small business concerns

Public meeting later this month will provide an opportunity to discuss giving small firms more government gigs.


Chief of the Year: Acquisition

Hugh Hurwitz, senior procurement executive, Education Department.


Uncertainty looms over procurement parity dispute

SBA is concerned that without legislative action contracting officers will begin avoiding small business contracts altogether.


Obama asks agencies to shed surplus property

Memorandum also encourages officials to end lease agreements that are no longer cost efficient.