
Lawmaker requests Hatch Act probe of top White House officials

California Republican asks the Office of Special Counsel to investigate alleged attempts to dissuade senatorial candidates from running in the primaries.


OMB wants to see plans for reducing improper payments

Fiscal 2012 budget submissions must include a strategy to recoup funds wasted through fraud and error.


Coast Guard seeks private sector oil spill solutions

Contractors, scientists and nonprofits encouraged to send proposals for responding to the Gulf crisis.


Grant will help displaced NASA contractors

Labor Department provides $15 million for job training assistance for 3,200 Kennedy Space Center private sector employees.


Inherently governmental rule sparks little consensus

Many comment on the proposed rule change that would clarify functions suitable for outsourcing.


Purchasing agreements emphasize strategic sourcing, vendor diversity

GSA’s 12 new office supply deals are designed to save agencies money and to facilitate more transactions with small businesses.


Pentagon official searches for the source of contracting waste

Defense acquisition deputy Frank Kendall wants to reform the behavior that leads to spiraling costs and schedule overruns.


High-performing organizations fade into the A-76 sunset

Moratorium on public-private job competitions has taken away one incentive for the voluntary business reform process, report finds.


Senator questions Medicare agency’s use of Defense audit unit

Iowa Republican wants to know why the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services still contracts with the beleaguered DCAA.


Homeland Security replaces head of Federal Protective Service

Gary Schenkel had been under fire from Capitol Hill after a series of reports uncovered security gaps at federal buildings.


Report finds interagency contracts rife with inefficiencies

Agencies spend $60 billion annually on multiple award and enterprisewide contracts that often are duplicative.


Report: Gun accidentally fired in Energy Department training session

Contractor did not have adequate safety controls in place, inspectors say.


Tech firm’s use of 8(a) status questioned

Small Business Administration IG finds goods and services for owner’s other companies were billed to Alaska native firm.


House committee rejects insourcing quotas

Measure bans “arbitrary goals” for bringing contracted work back into government.


Defense implements sexual assault rule

Contractors cannot use mandatory arbitration agreements to settle cases; provision includes waiver for national security.


Insourcing isn’t the only ingredient of workforce rebalancing

Procurement policy chief tells Senate committee he does not expect a tectonic shift away from the private sector.


Pentagon reports progress on anniversary of procurement reform law

Despite improvements, watchdog finds major programs still face requirements changes, software development challenges and workforce issues.


Feds almost pay a price for porn

Republican language banning agencies from paying employees caught viewing explicit images on work computers unravels technology bill.


Federal acquisition councils anticipate mandate to increase transparency

But the administration has not yet directed agencies to post contract documents online.


Senators call for sanctions against contractors doing business with Iran

GAO finds seven companies with U.S. contracts also worked in Iran’s energy sector.