
The Realistic Republican To-Do List

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner want to score a few quick legislative victories in January.


House Republicans Can't Find Anyone to Sue the President

The silver lining? The two law firms ditched the case so quickly they didn't perform enough work to cost taxpayers any money.


Obama: States Should Support Ebola Health Workers

Mandatory quarantines upon return from West Africa could discourage health professionals from going to the front lines, president says.


Will Washington Overrule Governors on Ebola Quarantines?

The White House said it was considering new federal policies after New York and New Jersey executives acted on their own.


The World's Wealthiest Terrorists

ISIS has made at least $20 million in ransom this year and millions more in oil revenues, the Treasury Department said Thursday.


Doctor in New York City Diagnosed With Ebola

CDC has dispatched a rapid response team to New York.


Let Slip the Secret Service Dogs

A pair of canines play hero in the latest fence-jumping incident at the White House.


Blackwater Security Guards Found Guilty in 2007 Killings

A federal jury convicted one security guard of murder and three others of manslaughter in the 2007 killings in Iraq.


The Gary Hart Renaissance

John Kerry is sending his fellow would-be president to Northern Ireland as an envoy in the latest round of peace talks.


An Attorney General Deferred

Democrats don't want a divisive battle over Eric Holder's replacement before the midterms.


Obama's Gitmo Provocation?

Shuttering the terrorist detention center despite an explicit congressional ban would be the president's boldest move yet.


The CDC Is Carefully Controlling How Scared You Are About Ebola

The Obama administration tries to strike a balance between vigilance and fear.


A Cover-Up in the Secret Service Scandal?

A new report says the White House knew more than it let on about dalliances with prostitutes in Cartagena.


Bobby Jindal Joins the GOP Hawks

The Louisiana governor calls for higher defense spending as he eyes a Republican presidential bid in 2016.


An Unhappy Anniversary to the Government Shutdown and Healthcare.gov

With the midterm congressional elections just over a month away, both parties are using the milestone to refresh voters' memories.


The Secret Service Let an Armed Man into an Elevator With the President

A security contractor with a gun made it onto an elevator with the president in Atlanta, without permission from the Secret Service.


Who Exactly Underestimated ISIS?

The president's acknowledgement that the U.S. "underestimated" the rise of ISIS raised more questions than it answered.


The Secret Service Can't Catch a Break (or an Intruder)

The Iraq War veteran who ran into the White House earlier this month made it much farther than the Secret Service initially admitted, The Washington Post reports.