
The GOP Leader Who Addressed a White Supremacist Group

The office of Steve Scalise, the third-ranking House Republican, acknowledged he may have spoken to an organization linked to David Duke in 2002.


The Spirited and Strange Lawmakers Leaving Congress Soon

The Capitol will lose some of its most memorable characters, from the longest-serving representative in history to a conservative firebrand who used her brief service to become a household name.


The Delicate Art of Denying a Presidential Bid

"I am not running for president," Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren said. Does that mean she won't?


Finally, a New Surgeon General?

One year, one month, and two days after his selection, the Senate could confirm Vivek Murthy to a post that has been vacant since July.


Democrats' Depressing New Reality in the Spending Deal

The divisions that were on full display during the debate over a $1 trillion spending bill may become the norm in 2015.


Obamacare's Naughty Economist Goes to the Hill

"I behaved badly," Jonathan Gruber told a House committee Tuesday, walking back his condemnation of the Affordable Care Act in an exercise in self-flagellation.


A Quiet Exit for a Forgotten Ebola Czar

The public's attention has moved on from the deadly disease, and soon, so will Ron Klain.


The Many Trials Ahead for Ashton Carter at the Pentagon

The next defense secretary will inherit "no shortage of challenges to our national security," President Obama said in his nomination.


How Will Republicans Rebuke Obama on Immigration?

To register their disapproval of the president's executive decision, conservatives have floated everything from a formal censure to withholding an invitation to deliver the State of the Union address.


John Boehner Forges Ahead on the House Benghazi Probe

How did the speaker respond to a GOP-led report that supported the Obama administration? He reappointed his own select inquiry into the 2012 terrorist attacks.


Who Will Replace Chuck Hagel?

President Obama will be naming his fourth secretary of defense in six years. Will he choose the first woman to run the Pentagon?


The Affordable Care Act's Embarrassing Moment of Tooth

The administration mistakenly included dental plans in the 7.3 million enrollment total under Obamacare. Without them, the government missed its target.


Nothing Unites Congress Like Fighting Nazis

Lawmakers have rushed to close a loophole that allows suspected war criminals to claim millions in Social Security, but they're not going to get taxpayers' money back.


President Obama's Long-Awaited Immigration Decree

Republicans are crying overreach, but how will the public react to a plan to shield millions from deportation?


Is a Third Lawyer the Charm for House Republicans?

Speaker John Boehner has hired yet another attorney to file a lawsuit against President Obama after the first two abandoned the case.


A Smooth Second Start for Healthcare.gov

More than 100,000 people submitted applications during the first weekend of year two, but controversial comments from Jonathan Gruber and a new polling low kept things complicated for the law.


Return of the Veto?

President Obama has rejected just two bills in his six years in office, the fewest of any White House occupant who has served as long since James Monroe. That could begin to change next week.


Can Republicans Stop Obama's Immigration Order?

"We're looking at all options," Speaker Boehner said on Thursday. Could that include a government shutdown?


The Quiet End to the U.S. Ebola Panic

Calm could work against Obama's request for an additional $6.2 billion to fight the disease both domestically and abroad.


A Second Round for Obamacare at the Supreme Court

The justices decided to take up a case challenging the legitimacy of federal insurance subsidies in the law.