Pay & Benefits

When to Seek Financial Help

Weighing whether to work with a professional adviser to manage your money.

Pay & Benefits

Managing Your Retirement Money

What to do with your Thrift Savings Plan funds when you leave government.

Pay & Benefits

More Best Dates to Retire: Middle of the Month

Sometimes, the optimal time to move on isn’t one of the traditional days.

Pay & Benefits

Best Dates to Retire 2015

The annual calendar showing optimal days to leave federal service next year to maximize your benefits.

Pay & Benefits

One Big Advantage of Retiring

Your days of commuting are over.

Pay & Benefits

Taxes: Past, Present and Future

What is your tax burden likely to be in retirement?

Pay & Benefits

Retirement Readiness: How Do You Stack Up?

The early results of our federal employee Retirement Readiness Assessment are in.

Pay & Benefits

Test Your Retirement Readiness

This quiz will tell you whether you’re retirement ready, on your way, beyond the beginning, or just getting started.

Pay & Benefits

Take Charge of Your Retirement

A look at your responsibilities in the retirement process, along with those of your agency and the Office of Personnel Management.

Pay & Benefits

The 4 Keys to Boosting Your Savings

Tips on maximizing your Thrift Savings Plan investments.

Pay & Benefits

You May Be Better Off Than You Think

Some employees are unaware of just how much retirement income they will have.

Pay & Benefits

Found Money

Tips and tricks for accumulating a little extra cash for your retirement.

Pay & Benefits

Advice From a TSP Millionaire

Tips on how to get the most out of your savings.

Pay & Benefits

The 5 Percent Solution to Retirement Security

The key to Thrift Savings Plan investing.

Pay & Benefits

What Happens to Your Life Savings?

You can’t take your TSP funds with you, so it’s important to decide what should happen with the money after you die.

Pay & Benefits

Is Paperless Retirement Processing the Answer?

OPM takes another crack at an electronic retirement system.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement Quiz: The Basics

Test your knowledge of some of the bedrock principles of retirement planning.


Answers to Retirement Quiz: The Basics

Correct responses to the test of retirement planning principles.

Pay & Benefits

Health Insurance Questions and Answers

Responses to reader concerns about Medicare and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.