Pay & Benefits

The Big Health Insurance Question

Should federal retirees enroll in Medicare Part B?

Pay & Benefits

The TSP’s New Millionaires

The secret to building up $1 million or more in retirement savings.

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Is the Grass Really Greener?

A look at two case studies of people considering leaving government for the private sector.

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Don’t Go, Please Stay

Readers weigh in on the benefits of a long-term federal career.

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To Stay or Not To Stay in Government

Advice for a young federal manager considering making the leap to the private sector.

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A Case of Savings Envy

Don’t compare your retirement savings to anyone else’s. Focus on maximizing yours.

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A Different Path for Women

Issues and resources for women to consider in preparing for retirement.

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The Index: 2014 Edition

The annual guide to all things retirement-related.

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Greatest Hits of 2013

Some of the most popular Retirement Planning columns of last year, on subjects ranging from the best date to retire to signs that you're not ready to move on.

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How Much TSP Can You Take?

Addressing how to take distributions from your account in retirement, along with other questions.

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Spared from Pension Hikes

Responses to your questions on potential benefit cuts and other issues.

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Getting Something For (Next to) Nothing

The benefits (and pitfalls) of high-deductible health plans.

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Five Steps to Picking a New Health Plan

A handy guide to navigating the process.

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What Is Your Full Retirement Age?

The decision about the best time to retire is different for everyone.

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Beyond the Horror Stories

Some tales of filing the paperwork to retire have a happy ending,

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The Incredible Shrinking COLA

This year's small retiree cost of living adjustment could be a harbinger of the future.

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5 Reasons to Consider Changing Your Health Plan

Hardly any federal employees do during open season. Why not?

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7 Signs You’re Not Ready to Retire

The telltale indications that it’s not time to move on just yet.

Pay & Benefits

Financial Focus in a Time of Uncertainty

Help for the furloughed -- and others feeling the pinch.

Pay & Benefits

Furloughs and Your Retirement

The impact of a shutdown on the Thrift Savings Plan.