
The class of 2024 is applying to more government jobs, says college networking website

Handshake’s report says more college graduates are applying to government jobs, as hiring slows in technology and professional services.


The Biden administration’s path to a green economy runs through Gen Z

COMMENTARY | The winning strategy? Engaging with young people where they are and paying them what they’re worth.


House Dems ask agencies about their progress offering telework to military spouses

The fiscal 2022 National Defense Authorization Act requires federal agencies to offer remote work options to employees whose spouses are deployed overseas.


Surgeon general says telework’s flexibility should be balanced with purposeful connection to promote mental health

The nation’s top doctor urged federal bosses to better promote workplace social connections to counter the feelings of isolation that telework may induce.


IRS wants tax training focused on big filers

The agency seeks better training and access to tax law expertise regarding large organizations and wealthy individuals.


Senators’ latest telework legislation could imperil remote work

A new bill from Sens. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., would cap all telework at 40% of an employee’s work hours, potentially endangering the federal government’s nascent remote work program.


AFGE wins two more union elections for federal workers stationed in Europe

Two separate groups of Defense Department employees stationed in Germany voted to join the nation’s largest federal employee union this week.


IRS says layoffs possibly by 2026 without sustained funding boost

The tax agency plans to grow its workforce another 14% in the coming years, but such growth could prove unsustainable.


OMB leader defends administration’s approach to telework

House Republicans continued to demand better data from the Biden administration regarding the prevalence and effectiveness of telework at federal agencies.


Young people think federal jobs are beneficial, but don't want them

There's a youth hiring problem in the federal government, but solutions are elusive, according to the Partnership for Public Service.


Congress reaches a bipartisan breakthrough on air traffic controller staffing

After months of false starts, an FAA reauthorization is within reach and promises to address critical workforce shortfalls.


USPS is getting better at hiring, but half of non-career postings still have no applicants

Postal management rejects inspector general findings and says it has encountered few workforce challenges.


Can Biden’s new jobs program to fight climate change attract women and people of color?

The American Climate Corps program aims to recruit a diverse workforce. But it will face challenges including low pay, the need for child care, and historic discrimination against women in the trades.


State, Defense departments announce deal to expand military spouse access to remote work jobs

The move to allow federal employees to telework while overseas with their service member spouses is part of a larger effort to boost recruitment of military spouses.


Pekoske touts impact of pay increases at TSA budget hearing

Workforce attrition has halved since the implementation of a new pay system that mirrors the General Schedule, while employee morale has reached its highest ever, according to the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.


New bill would create federal grant program for digital upskilling

The proposed Digital Skills for Today’s Workforce Act would add digital skills training to grant programs that provide education and professional development services in an effort to boost the talent pipeline.


Biden rescinds COVID-era executive orders, folding safer federal workforce task force

The Office of Personnel Management issued new guidance last week rescinding some forms of COVID-19-related administrative leave, but preserving four hours of paid leave for federal employees to get vaccine booster shots.