
OPM finalizes reforms to federal internship programs

Biden administration officials hope improvements to the federal government’s Pathways Program will make it more appealing for potential applicants and easier to use as an agency recruitment tool.


Give administrative leave to veterans for VA appointments

COMMENTARY | This is a necessary step in honoring our veterans in federal service.


Coast Guard hasn’t assessed how many future aviation personnel it needs, report says

The service is in the midst of modernizing and consolidating its aircraft fleet, but it’s also facing workforce challenges that could alter how many vehicles the Coast Guard ultimately needs. 


Senators take another crack at improving federal telework data

The latest bipartisan bill aimed at better measuring the workplace flexibility’s effectiveness would require agencies to publish their telework policies, as well as implement already planned improvements to data collection on its usage.


Honesty is always the best policy, but it isn’t a silver bullet for security clearances

COMMENTARY | Candor isn’t helping the growing number of security clearance holders and applicants with drug use issues.


Employee groups laud Biden’s anti-Schedule F regulations

Unions and management organizations alike applauded the Office of Personnel Management’s effort to at least slow a future Republican administration’s efforts to strip federal employees of their civil service protections.


The positive impact of policy entrepreneurs in the public service

COMMENTARY | The rewards for entrepreneurial leadership by top government careerists are low. They shouldn't be.

Updated Workforce

OPM issues its final rule for Schedule F protections

The federal HR agency finalized its rule offering protections for career civil servants meant to safeguard against the potential reemergence of the Trump-era Schedule F policy.


How transforming federal workforce culture can enhance safety and productivity

COMMENTARY | It takes more than annual check-the-box training and motivational posters to bring about change.


National Security compensation set a record high in 2023

COMMENTARY | The uptick in cleared compensation is good news for the national security workforce and also a good thing for national security.


The MacGuffin of Schedule F

COMMENTARY | Plans to convert federal workers in policy-related positions into at-will employees leave the workforce dangling.


Politicians may rail against the ‘deep state,’ but research shows federal workers are effective and committed, not subversive

COMMENTARY | "Our years of research about the people who work in the federal government finds that they care deeply about their work, aiding the public and pursuing the stability and integrity of government," write two scholars.


O’Malley urges lawmakers to support hiring money for Social Security

President Biden’s fiscal 2025 budget proposal would boost the beleaguered agency’s funding by 9% over fiscal 2023 levels, which the new commissioner said is key to improving customer service.


Expanding flexible work options in the federal government is no longer optional

COMMENTARY | To retain and attract top talent, government and public-sector employers must take the lead in adopting and adapting to flexible work arrangements.


Championing an expanded role for HR in the federal government

COMMENTARY | Human resources executives have the lead role in creating a great workplace and building the workforce agencies need, writes one observer.


D.C. lawmaker wants to restore due process to feds in ‘sensitive’ posts

A new bill would overrule a 2013 federal appellate court decision that denied roughly 200,000 federal employees access to the Merit Systems Protection Board.


VA to shed 10,000 employees at underutilized facilities in FY25

The department plans to use attrition only and focus on staff in supervisory and administrative roles.


More than 600K federal employees are facing furloughs this week

Congress and the White House are still negotiating over a funding plan as they face a partial shutdown deadline on Friday.


OPM’s labor-management forum guidance charts new ground for union policies

Federal agencies will be expected to embrace the return of collaborative councils, where federal employee unions may weigh in on future workplace policies, and measure the forums’ impact on employee engagement, agency performance and cost savings.