
Coronavirus Roundup: ‘Federal Workforce Safety’ Added to List of Top Challenges During the Pandemic

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


The Remote-Work Revolution Will Be Bigger Than We Think

The past year has offered a glimpse of the nowhere-everywhere future of work.


Clicks on a Job Site Reveal Hiring Discrimination

A broad look at recruiters' actions on a job website reveals who experiences hiring discrimination and when, report researchers.


GovExec Daily: How Feds See Diversity and Inclusion at Work

Government Business Council's Josh Okada joins the podcast to discuss the recent survey of public servants.


GovExec Daily: Biden, Schedule F and Workforce Orders

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the new administration's actions will affect feds.


VA Expands Vaccination to Some Non-Health Care Staff as Postal Workers Face Uncertainty

Agencies have started vaccinations for more than 1 million people, but many federal workers have not received clear guidance.


Segregation Policies in Federal Government in Early 20th Century Harmed Black Americans for Decades

President Wilson sanctioned segregation policies more than a century ago by targeting Black civil service workers.


Why You Should Turn off Your Camera During Zoom Meetings

It's not just to hide clutter anymore—leaving your camera off during your next virtual meeting could help save the planet, too.


'People Are Just Relieved': Career Feds Express Optimism as Biden Officials Take Charge at Agencies

Employees are hopeful they will have better relationships with political appointees than existed under Trump.


Biden Will Form a Council Dedicated to Policy that Affects Women and Girls

“Too many women are struggling to make ends meet and support their families, and too many are lying awake at night worried about their children’s economic future,” he said.


GovExec Daily: Who Left Government Service During the Last Four Years

GovExec contributor Daniel Lim joins the podcast to discuss workforce attrition under Donald Trump.


GovExec Daily: How the Official Time Decision Will Affect Federal Employee Unions

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the EEOC ruling will affect feds.


Capitol Police Names First Woman to Lead as Acting Chief in the Wake of Insurrection

Yogananda Pittman, who is also the first Black person to head the law enforcement agency, assumed the role on Friday.


Fired for Storming the Capitol? Why Most Workers Aren’t Protected for What They Do on Their Own Time

The vast majority of U.S. workers are deemed "at will" which means they can be fired at any time, without notice, and for any reason.


GovExec Daily: The View of the Insurrection From D.C.

GovExec Daily examines, from the host's and producer's point of view, what Wednesday's events meant.


5 Strategies for Cultivating Hope This Year

A year of social disconnections, deaths, job losses and political violence may lead some people to feel overwhelmed and sad. A psychologist suggests ways to find and sustain hope.


Where Arnold Schwarzenegger Can Find Leaders With a Public Servant’s Heart

In a video, the former California governor begs for people motivated by a commitment to service to step up. They’re already all around him.