
GovExec Daily: Agencies' Vaccination Progress

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss Defense, VA and other departments are progressing in inoculating people.


GovExec Daily: Feds' Anti-Gag Rights During the Transition

Government Accountability Project's Irvin McCullough and Aman Panjwani join the podcast to discuss whistleblower rights at the end of the Trump administration.


Can Employers Require Workers to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine? 6 Questions Answered

The federal agency in charge of enforcing discrimination laws in the workplace said "yes," but there are some important exceptions and limitations.


GovExec Daily: Pay and Benefits Provisions in the Budget Deal

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the federal workforce made out in the appropriations plan.


CDC Panel Designates USPS Workers as Next in Line for COVID-19 Vaccine

Postal employees are part of a group "critical to the functioning of society," per panel's recommendation.


‘Diversity’ Is Too Shallow for Real Racial Justice

Diversity ideology lets whites superficially commit to achieving social justice, but isn't enough to advance equity or inclusion, research shows.


GovExec Daily: The Trump Presidency's Effect on Workforce Management

Dr. Donald F. Kettl joins the podcast to look retrospectively at the past four years and how they've shaped the management of the civil service.


VA Is Increasingly Leaning on Contract Nurses as COVID-19 Cases Surge

Employees lament staffing shortages even as VA has brought on 66,000 new workers since the novel coronavirus pandemic began.


GovExec Daily: The Dangers of Schedule F

The Project on Government Oversight's Nick Schwellenbach joins the podcast to talk about the workforce order and its effect on the civil service.


Coronavirus Roundup: Vaccine Distribution Begins; Trump and Biden Plan Messaging Campaigns  

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


Workers Are Looking for Direction from Management – and Any Map Is Better Than No Map

Without some sense of direction, burned out employees simply can’t be reengaged via another virtual happy hour.


GovExec Daily: Workforce Management During a Transition

National Academy of Public Administration Fellow Jeffrey Neal joins the show to talk about personnel issues between administrations and at the beginning of a new admisnistration.


Federal Employees to Get a Full Day Off on Christmas Eve

President Trump issues an executive order that breaks with recent precedent by granting vacation for all of Dec. 24, rather than a half-day.


GovExec Daily: A Pay Freeze and Schedule F Update

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the latest in federal workforce news.


Incoming Biden Officials Praise Career Federal Workers

Nominees' new tone marks contrast from the often adversarial relationship between Trump administration and career feds.


How Dozens of Trump’s Political Appointees Will Stay in Government After Biden Takes Over

Documents show that officials appointed by Trump who’d otherwise lose their jobs under Biden have been approved for permanent positions in federal agencies.