Four Thrift Savings Plan funds saw declines in December, but finished 2024 in the black.

Four Thrift Savings Plan funds saw declines in December, but finished 2024 in the black. Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

Thrift Savings Plan funds end the year on the downswing

Only one of the portfolios within the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program finished December in the black.

The investments of the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program encountered a setback last month, as all but one of the Thrift Savings Plan’s portfolios lost value in December.

The G Fund, which is made up of government securities, increased at its statutorily mandated rate of 0.36% last month. Across 2024, the G Fund gained 4.40%.

The small- and mid-size businesses of the S Fund saw the worst performance, falling 7.05% in December. Still, the S Fund finished 2024 up 16.93% from a year ago. The I Fund, which is made up of international investments, fell 2.83%, bringing its 2024 growth down to 4.27%.

The common stocks of the C Fund lost 2.39% last month, but the portfolio still had the best performance for the year, growing 24.96% over 2024.

And the fixed income (F) fund fell 1.71% in December. The F Fund had the worst performance of the TSP’s core funds on an annual basis, growing just 1.33% since last January.

Each of the TSP’s lifecycle (L) funds similarly lost money last month. The L Income Fund, which is designed for people who have already begun making withdrawals, fell 0.66%; L 2025, 0.81%; L 2030, 1.86%; L 2035, 2.08%; L 2040, 2.30%; L 2045, 2.49%; L 2050, 2.66%; L 2055, 3.14%: L 2060, 3.14%; L 2065, 3.14%; and L 2070, 3.13%.

Over the course of 2024, the L Income Fund has grown 7.37%; L 2025, 8.28%; L 2030, 11.52%; L 2035, 12.18%; L 2040, 12.85%; L 2045, 13.42%; L 2050, 14.02%; L 2055, 16.28%; L 2060, 16.28%; and L 2065, 16.28%.

Data regarding the L 2070 fund’s year-to-date performance will begin next month, as the portfolio launched last summer.