
The House, Senate and White House all want more FAA staffing, but disagree on how to get there

All parties acknowledge the agency is facing a crisis that will cause mass disruptions to air travel absent more resources.


Proposed funding cuts could prevent IRS, Justice and other agencies from meeting their missions, employee groups say

Controversial plans to deeply slash spending at OPM, IRS and the Justice Department have drawn the ire of the federal employees who work at or rely on those agencies. They say the cuts would harm mission delivery.


Senate remains divided along party lines as it kicks off the fiscal 2024 funding process

Despite a budget deal and calls for bipartisanship, a fall shutdown remains possible amid disagreements on appropriations levels.


A union is still pushing to permanently end the threat of delayed paychecks due to a debt default

The Biden administration will soon have to articulate its views on the constitutionality of the debt ceiling.


Republicans want to ax a Pentagon budget office that aims to save taxpayers money

GOP lawmakers say the CAPE office is ignoring their amphibious-warship directive, which DOD says arrived too late to shape the current budget.

Pay & Benefits

Conservatives: End Annual Across-the-Board Pay Raises for Feds and Cut Benefits

The Republican Study Committee’s fiscal 2024 budget proposal would favor targeted “merit-based” pay increases and drastically reduce federal employees’ retirement and health care benefits.


Congress Is Still Heading Toward a Shutdown Despite the Budget Deal, Democrats Say

House Republicans are voting on spending bills that would cut funding below the frozen levels lawmakers agreed to as part of the debt ceiling negotiations.


Agencies Brace for a Renewed Era of Belt-Tightening

Most non-defense agencies will see their budgets frozen or cut next fiscal year.


House Passes Debt Deal That Would Freeze Agency Spending

The Senate has just a few days to act to avoid forcing federal workers to miss paychecks.


Budget and Tech Challenges Loom Over IRS's Direct File Pilot

The news of the forthcoming pilot was followed this week by a compromise debt ceiling bill that includes reallocating $20 billion of the funding the IRS got as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.


The People Behind the Federal Spending Cut Dilemmas

Before slashing federal jobs, lawmakers should think about the mission voters would like the government to perform.


A Federal Agency Budget Freeze Seems Likely at a Minimum, as Debt Deal Remains Elusive

The contours of a deal are taking shape even as negotiators say they remain divided with less than 10 days until potential furloughs or missed paychecks for feds.


Biden and McCarthy Strike Positive Tone After Debt Limit Talks, But No Deal Yet

"We don’t have an agreement yet, but I did feel the discussion was productive in areas that we have differences of opinion,” McCarthy said Monday.


A Default on the U.S. Debt Would Be Far Worse Than a Government Shutdown. Here’s How

National security, transportation, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would be impacted.


Overhaul Federal Permitting as Part of the Debt Limit Deal? Not as Easy as It Sounds.

Time is running out for a deal on permitting legislation to be included in a debt limit bill.


Talks on a Spending and Debt Deal Come to a Halt

As negotiators look to avoid delaying paychecks for feds, Republicans say they hit pause on negotiations.