
A Default on the U.S. Debt Would Be Far Worse Than a Government Shutdown. Here’s How

National security, transportation, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would be impacted.


Overhaul Federal Permitting as Part of the Debt Limit Deal? Not as Easy as It Sounds.

Time is running out for a deal on permitting legislation to be included in a debt limit bill.


Talks on a Spending and Debt Deal Come to a Halt

As negotiators look to avoid delaying paychecks for feds, Republicans say they hit pause on negotiations.


There is No Firm Plan Yet for Feds' Pay in a Debt Ceiling Breach

GovExec Senior Correspondent Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the ongoing negotiations as a default looms.


Pay Raises and Hiring Are Where Lawmakers Agree in DHS Spending BiIl

Other common ground on the Homeland Security Department's spending levels is harder to come by.


Biden Vows Debt Ceiling Talks Will Continue while He’s Overseas at G7 Summit

Treasury Secretary Yellen repeatedly warned Congress accounting maneuvers will be exhausted within weeks, U.S. could default on its bills as early as June 1.

Pay & Benefits

Fight the Long-Running FEHBP Abortion Ban, Gender Equity Group Urges House Democrats

The Department of Justice Gender Equality Network said the Hyde amendment unfairly makes women’s health care decisions more costly and traumatic, even when covered by exceptions in cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother.


A Debt Ceiling Breach Could Mean the Federal Government Decides Not to 'Pay Any Government Employees This Week'

Economist Patrick Gourley joins the podcast to discuss the potential debt ceiling consequences.


Debt Ceiling Meeting Yields Little Progress, Though Biden and GOP Agree to Spending Talks

The House speaker has given the White House a two-week deadline to come up with a spending plan that would satiate his caucus and allow for a debt limit increase.


Bipartisan Group Projects U.S. Default as Soon as Early June, Citing ‘Quite Low’ Cash Flows

Depending on how long a default lasted, a global recession could be triggered, new analysis finds


U.S. Default Could Begin June 8 without Agreement, Top Economist Tells Congress

Congress has eight working days with both chambers in session before Memorial Day, and negotiations appear non-existent.


Debt Ceiling Breach Could Occur as Soon as June 1, Treasury Warns

While they had hoped for more time, lawmakers have just a few weeks to avoid a catastrophic default.


The Debt Ceiling Negotiations Begin Again

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss how the discussions will affect feds.


Accelerated FAA Modernization Will Suffer Under Stopgap Funding, Says Agency Head

A full year continuing resolution would hamper needed tech upgrades, according to the FAA's top official.


Agencies Would Suffer 'Egregious Harm' Under GOP Debt Ceiling Proposal, Federal Employee Union Says

House Republicans’ plan to raise the debt ceiling in conjunction with a 20% cut in discretionary spending would hurt public services, AFGE says.


FEMA Wants to Confront Growing Challenges With More Personnel

The Biden administration is expecting unique challenges this disaster season, and FEMA wants to do more with more.


Social Security Trustees Predict Benefit Cuts in 2033 without Congressional Action

The projections say that, without action, Social Security would have enough money to pay about 77% of the total scheduled benefits.