
The Afghanistan Watchdog Blasts State and USAID for ‘Sudden Refusal to Cooperate’ 

The agencies defended their handling of requests since October and said they’ve “regularly responded” to the office over the years.


DHS is Making ‘Significant Reforms’ to the Employee Discipline Process

This comes after an outside oversight group alleged wrongdoing in the inspector general office, which the IG contests.


A New Law Will Make It Harder to Escape Investigation By Leaving Federal Service

The measure will allow the Veterans Affairs Department IG to subpoena former feds and contractors.


A Federal Watchdog Will Probe the FDA’s Actions Leading Up to the Infant Formula Crisis

President Biden admitted on Wednesday he didn’t know how severe the issue was until April, well after formula manufacturers knew.


DHS IG Says He Did Not Mishandle the Agency’s Reports on Sexual Harassment and Domestic Violence

The Project On Government Oversight – the outside oversight group that brought these claims – pushed back on Joseph Cuffari’s letter to lawmakers.


GovExec Daily: The Challenges of Overseeing Infrastructure Spending

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss the White House's relationship with oversight.


The White House Wants to Ensure Good Stewardship of Infrastructure Funds

New guidance directs agencies on implementation of the $1 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. 


The SEC’s Inspector General Will Retire Next Month

A government watchdog group previously recommended consideration of his removal for misconduct. 

Special Report Oversight

‘There’s a Large Amount of Fraud Out There’: Special IG for Pandemic Recovery Reflects on Nearly Two Years in the Job

The role is “not a political job in any way, shape or form” and “if we go out of business, then I think you're missing a key element of … oversight,” Brian Miller says.

Special Report Oversight

Two Years of COVID-19 Oversight: A Look Back

The CARES Act of 2020 created three pandemic-related oversight entities, and our series will examine their successes and failures as well as their challenges and goals moving forward.

Special Report Oversight

The Inspectors General COVID Committee Has an ‘Enormous Responsibility'

“We've really changed the way we as federal IGs do business,” says Michael Horowitz, Justice Department inspector general and chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee.


The Park Police’s ‘Dilapidated’ D.C. Dispatch Office Puts Safety at Risk, an IG Says 

Holes in the roof allowing water and bird droppings through and possible black mold are among the issues, as well as problems with staffing and training.


An Investigation Has Found That Trump’s First Interior Secretary Violated His Ethics Obligations

The inspector general referred the matter to the Justice Department, but it declined to pursue criminal prosecution.


Biden Can do More to Protect Inspectors General, Says Former Watchdog Fired by Trump

Guidance issued by the Biden administration was “important,” but an executive order could also help preserve IG independence, said Michael Atkinson.