
A Federal Pandemic Watchdog Says its Oversight Money Will Run Out in July

Brian Miller, special inspector general for pandemic recovery, wrote in a new report that $25 million in CARES Act start-up funds is not enough.


The Special IG for Afghanistan Shares Advice on How to Spend Aid Money Well

More recommendations will come in the watchdog’s quarterly report next week.   


House Approves Sweeping Reforms to Protect Feds, Boost Agency Oversight

Just one Republican votes in favor of the changes to whistleblower, inspector general, vacancy and other civil service laws.


White House Releases 'Unprecedented’ Guidance to Agencies on Cooperating With Watchdogs

Strengthening communication and establishing liaisons for inspectors general offices are some of the new action items for agency leaders. 


IG: $400M Border Contract Awarded Properly, Though Investigators Met Roadblocks in Interviews 

This was one of several contracts awarded under the Trump administration for the U.S.-Mexico border wall. 


Afghanistan Watchdog Doubles Down on Oversight Efforts

Upcoming reports will serve as “cautionary and instructive guides” for future operations, said the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction.


All Inspectors General Need Testimonial Subpoena Authority, Watchdogs Say

Three IGs testified before lawmakers about various reforms needed to improve their oversight. 


Lawmaker Requests IG Probe Into Trump COVID-19 Food Program

A report from Democratic congressional staff found “serious red flags” with some of the contractors involved in the program. 


Lawmaker Urges Watchdogs to Review Special Immigrant Visa Process for Afghans

The process has been scrutinized in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover and U.S. withdrawal. 


Training the Watchdogs: ‘Our Job Doesn't End When You Leave The Door’ 

Government Executive spoke with Douglas Holt, executive director of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s training institute.


Afghanistan Watchdog to Brief Lawmakers on Tuesday

“It is vital to understand what happened in Afghanistan,” said House Republicans in requesting the bipartisan briefing.


Republicans Seek Briefing from Afghanistan Reconstruction Watchdog

“It is unclear if continued U.S. assistance would find its way into the hands of terrorists and be used to finance attacks on Americans,” GOP members wrote.


‘All the Signs Have Been There’ Predicting Afghan Security Force Collapse, IG Says

For more than a decade, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction has been warning about “ghost soldiers” and corruption to anyone willing to pay attention.


Afghanistan Reconstruction Oversight Continues Despite U.S. Withdrawal 

“As long as there's money flowing, there's a need for oversight and SIGAR’s responsibility,” says John Sopko, special IG for Afghanistan reconstruction.