
Play of the Day: Trump and Daly Hit The Links

The president played golf with the PGA pro and took a photo to celebrate.


Play of the Day: The Lawsuit Against California's New Law

The president and the RNC are suing the Golden State, saying the law requiring candidates to release tax returns is a “naked political attack against the sitting president of the United States.”


Play of the Day: More On The President's Trips To Dayton And El Paso

The White House released an oddly-edited video of Donald Trump consoling victims at hospitals.


Play of the Day: The President Speaks About Unity, Supremacy and Rhetoric

On the White House lawn, Donald Trump scattered his thoughts before he left to console mass shooting victims.


Play of the Day: Joe Biden Does Not Have a Command of the World Wide Web

The former veep had some trouble with his site name. Or maybe it's the name of his rocket ship.


Play of the Day: The President Has Something To Say About Baltimore

The man who says "love it or leave it" spent the weekend disparaging an American city.


Play of the Day: Wilbur Ross Is Not Helping Morale At Commerce

According to a report, the Commerce Department chief has been sleeping in meetings.


Play of the Day: Robert Mueller Needed Some Help During His Testimony

He misstated the president's name and needed some members of Congress to repeat their questions.


Play of the Day: Using FaceApp on Some 2020 Characters

What will Beto O'Rourke look like with filter that makes his photo seem old?