
Balancing Act

Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr. seeks to steady an Army out of whack due to the debilitating demands of two ongoing wars.


Security measures called threat to shipping business

Any maritime or homeland security strategy that puts a “chink in the supply chain” will do more harm than good, industry official argues.


Air Force general: Chinese anti-satellite test a ‘wake-up call’

The United States no longer can take for granted that it has a military advantage in space, commander says at Washington conference.


Petraeus says troop decreases could begin in weeks

Iraq commander forecasts a return to pre-surge levels of about 130,000 American troops in Iraq by next July.


Army leader says Iraqis have not yet taken advantage of American 'surge'

Long-term success in reducing violence depends on political reconciliation among Iraqi factions, chief of staff says.

News And Analysis

Image Makeover

The Army tries to put its troubled FCS program in a better light.


Costly Protection

Strenuous American efforts to reduce casualties are prolonging the insurgency that causes them.


Politics, war drawdown will determine Defense spending

Democrats on Capitol Hill unlikely to put on the brakes immediately, but pullout from Iraq looms in 2008.


Defense Dollars

Politics, war drawdown will determine Defense spending.

News And Analysis


Focusing on a minor player lets the military claim short-term progress in Iraq, but it leaves the main problem unsolved.


Adapt Or Die

Soldiers need a new set of skills and qualities to succeed at counterinsurgency.


Buildup Bluster

If an Iraq drawdown is nigh, why are we adding 92,000 combat troops to the Army and Marines?

News And Analysis

The Sky’s the Limit

The new manual for irregular warfare overlooks air power, Air Force officials say.


Homemade Bombs, High-Tech Response

The Pentagon is throwing everything it’s got against improvised explosive devices but missing the real targets.

News And Analysis

Staying in the Fight

Troop tours lengthen, but no one agrees on the right duration for deployments.


Launching a New Navy

Shipbuilding and buying bungles beset the Navy’s top officer, Adm. Michael G. Mullen, as he sets the service on a new course.

News And Analysis

If It Ain’t Broke

Before accepting dire assessments of Army readiness, it’s worth asking: Ready for what?


Fighting Folly

The Army is developing the most expensive and complex weapons system in its history, but it’s based on some very questionable concepts.


Back to Iraq

A hardened Army 3rd Infantry Division prepares for an unprecedented third combat tour.

News And Analysis

Lethal Weapons

Low-tech arms and loose networks trip up the world’s most sophisticated fighting force.