
Shock Troops

Commandant Gen. James T. Conway details what the Marine Corps needs to win in Iraq and elsewhere.


Tribal War

Fueled by frustration with an impotent government and resentment of violent American tactics, the forgotten war in Afghanistan threatens to ignite.

Managing Technology

Mixed Signals

Jammers meant to foil roadside bombs in Baghdad jeopardize troop safety.


Intelligence analysis warns against rapid withdrawal from Iraq

Report doesn’t address surge plan, but says U.S. troops at current levels are an “essential stabilizing element.”

News And Analysis

The Battle for Baghdad

History suggests we are surging the wrong troops, holding the wrong ground, following the wrong strategy and fighting the wrong way in Iraq.

News And Analysis

Part-Time Soldiers Head Back to Iraq

There really is no more Army Reserve, it’s the Army.


Policy change could mean recalls for thousands of reservists

Pentagon lifts previous limits capping Guard and Reserve members’ cumulative time on active duty at 24 months in a 5-year period.


Military leadership shakeup continues

Announcement of new Army chief could mark attempt to repair breach between service leaders and senior civilian Pentagon officials.


Lessons Not Learned

Produced to assist commanders in Iraq, a new Army counterinsurgency manual fails to map a response to 21st century enemies.

News And Analysis

Been There, Done That, Not Over It

We tried the Iraq Study Group's prescription already. It failed.


Pentagon cited again for weak oversight of Iraq contractors

Defense officials can't be sure they’re getting the services they paid for and lack an accurate count of contractors, auditors say.

News And Analysis

Tension Builds in Iraq

Violence, cash shortages and infighting shut down Iraq reconstruction teams.

News And Analysis

The Vision Thing

With Rumsfeld out, what's next for remaking the military?

News And Analysis

Future Combat Vehicle Jam

Budget cuts and Stryker's success could further delay new equipment.


Bush announces Rumsfeld resignation

Move comes swiftly after sweeping Democratic gains in midterm elections.


Air Force seeks to strengthen satellite defense system

Satellites are key in goal of linking military units across the globe using sophisticated battle command computer networks.